can fish die because of too much lighting?


New Member
Feb 12, 2004
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San Francisco, California
I recently bought a jebo 110 watt power compact for my 29 gallon from a lfs that a lot of ppl recommended to me. It has 2 55 watt bulbs, one is a 10000k bulb and the other is an actinic bulb. The guy at the lfs told me that the actinic bulb is useless, and offered to exchange it for another 10000k bulb. He told me it would be a lot better for planted tanks. Well, since i dont know much, i took his word for it. And over the past week, 3 panda cories, 1 otto, and 2 killifish are dead. I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, nitrate is about 30 ppm. I do 25% water changes every sunday, and i can't seem to figure out what went wrong. Now my rummynose tetras and 2 adolfoi cories are hiding behind plants. The funny thing is when i turn off the lights they swim around alot more. Can somebody help me out with this? I'm really upset and frustrated about this situation, i hate it when any of my fish die. It sucks really bad.
too much light can stress fish out specially your bottom dwellers if there is no place to hide from the light. Try using the light for less time or if the room the tank is in gets natural light then use the light for 2 sessions of 4-5 hours. :)
Have you checked the temperature when the lights are on? Could be that they're heating the water way too much - when they go off, the water cools down. How l;ong do you keep the lights on for?
tstenback said:
too much light can stress fish out specially your bottom dwellers if there is no place to hide from the light. Try using the light for less time or if the room the tank is in gets natural light then use the light for 2 sessions of 4-5 hours. :)
My thoughts exactly! Fish get extremely stressed from alot of light and no hiding places. Make sure you have tons of caves, and hiding spots for all your fish, and as mentioned leave your lights on for short intervals of time.

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