Can Bronze Corys Fill With Eggs Without A Mate?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2009
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One of my corys is really fat, and is being chased by the other cory. I think they are male and female, but the other cory has a smallish belly too. I think I have seen them go to the t position but only for like a second.

p.s. bronze cory is the one with the belly, albino is the one that is chasing her.

one last question, can c. paleatus and C.aeneus hybridise?
update, my bronze cory was skinny when i came home this morning, can't find any eggs though.

corys can crossbreed but it is quite rare - so i've been informed
i have one lonely female habrosus (not for much longer she's getting friends tomorrow) and she very often just dumps a pile of eggs or lays them as normal corys

my Corys like to lay eggs on the glass in the flow of water and also under the leaves of plants and in moss

eggs are about 1-2mm accross depending on the type of cory laying them , you cant miss them if they are on the glass you'll see them , but as frank said they can turn round and eat them as soon as they are layed unless you move them
yeah, but I heard somewhere that only a few species of corys can lay eggs without a mate. Anyway I asked about the hybridising thing because I can't tell if the albino is C. aeneaus or C. paleatus. Is there anyway to distinguish the 2?
depends where you got it but most albinos from lfs are aeneus like the bronzes
the females will lay eggs without a male but none of them will be viable
yeah I got the albino from a cherry barb tank with lot of albino corys at the LFS there was no price tag or name so I don't know his species :/
yeah I got the albino from a cherry barb tank with lot of albino corys at the LFS there was no price tag or name so I don't know his species :/

If it is a peppered albino there will be a light splotching on the ventral surfaces of the cory and they are more elongated than the aeneus albinos

but if they are chasing and breeding - (did they do the T-position at all) then they are more than likely both the aeneus

You really need to increase the numbers of your corys as they are not happy in groups of less than 6 - you will see some great behaviour from them when you do increase their numbers
yeah, problem is I don't have the tank space to get more fish, maybe an extra danio. but any more would be pushing it. My birthday is coming up, what do you think of the chances of me getting another tank? My dad is one of those people who thinks fish are for eating, not pets. So I don't know if I can get another one :/
yeah I got the albino from a cherry barb tank with lot of albino corys at the LFS there was no price tag or name so I don't know his species :/

If it is a peppered albino there will be a light splotching on the ventral surfaces of the cory and they are more elongated than the aeneus albinos

but if they are chasing and breeding - (did they do the T-position at all) then they are more than likely both the aeneus

You really need to increase the numbers of your corys as they are not happy in groups of less than 6 - you will see some great behaviour from them when you do increase their numbers

well, I think they have done the T-position, or attempted to. They did this vague T shape but for a very short time, like 1 second. Usually the vids I see of corys spawning, they stay for at least 3 or more in the position. This happened right after I did a monthly 100% water change. And I think they might spawn again as the female is really fat again. :blink: :unsure:

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