Can Bettas Have Cancer?


Oct 26, 2004
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So, my little Sakana again... he's always had a little spot on his back that is darker than the rest of him... he is somewhere around 2 years old now. He's still acting normal, but I noticed a tumor on him today. (I'm sure it didn't pop up overnight... I just noticed when the shadow hit it.) It's about halfway down his back... just to the left of his spine.

Is this something that could be fatal?
If not, then what else could it be?
Could it be contagious? He's in a divided 10 gallon with 2 other bettas, and I would hate for something to happen to them...
anything living can have some form of cancer whether it fish, humans, plants, fungus...put him in a hosp tank and watch him...if it is a cancer i expect the fish will not live long as it is traveling down his spine as u described...can u post a pic
I've been reading that Bettas are prone to getting tumors. Mine has one on his left side which has travelled into the other side. Actually though, I'm not sure that's what it is with him. People can have tumors that they live with for years so you never know....Maybe post a picture so we could better see. I've treated mine with Maracyn and Maracyn2 in case it was an infection of some sort. Isolating yours is a good idea in case it's a contagious problem. I'm just keeping mine happy, waiting it out and hoping for the best. I got another real young one to cushion the blow when it comes. Again, tumors don't mean an immediate bad outcome. Keep us posted and look forward to seeing a photo...!!??
Thanks for the replies.... I can TRY to get a picture, but my camera is not very good, and Sakana never sits still when I am by the tank... he likes to dance for me. The picture in my avatar is the clearest I have ever gotten of him, and that was the day after I got him. :p

Whatever it is does not seem to be bothering him at all. He still dances for me, he still aggrevates his neighbors, he still jumps at his food, he still uses the filter current as a water slide (yes, I'm sure it's not a sore from that...)... in other words, he's acting perfectly normal and happy. :/
i hope he stays like that...lots of people dont realize its very possible to become attached to a fish...and we are hurt when we do loose one...or worst them all...good luck and i wish the best for your little fishy
i hope he stays like that...lots of people dont realize its very possible to become attached to a fish...and we are hurt when we do loose one...or worst them all...good luck and i wish the best for your little fishy

Oh, I realize it... he was my second betta... I got him after my first died. I hadn't researched enough about bettas, and my first died after only a couple months. So, I researched more and got another one, and I'm hooked. Sakana was my second, and I've had him for about a year and a half. I'm very attatched to him... There's been a few times I almost lost him... he's had columnaris twice, ich once, severe constipation 3 times, and dropsy once, not to mention fin rot a few times. (No, it's not water quality... I have two other bettas in the same (divided) tank the whole time and they have never even been sick once.) Every time he's pulled through, and every time I was devestated until he got better. I went to my fiance and cried last night when I saw that tumor... I hope it's just one of those that he can live with. :/
I knew exactly what you mean about becoming attached. I didn't go out of town for Christmas as planned because mine was sick. I didn't want anyone else to be responsible and didn't want him to have to die alone. There are other people who don't understand why I'd feel this way about a fish. As I told a rather sharp-tongued lady I know "if you don't pay any attention to the fish you have, how would know what personalities they have?". So there. All we can do is take good care of them and whatever happens, happens. Sounds like you've taken a care with yours so you shouldn't have any regrets. I was hesitant about getting a 2nd betta as the heartbreak of watching them being sick and fussing over them is real hard. However, they are so delightful it's worth the emotional investment. The sick one is still hanging in there and dances as best he can. In trying to help him I've learned alot and perhaps those people in my life now understand how much love I have for animals and those who reside in my house.
As long as yours is still happy then I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe you could try a course of antibiotics just to see if it helps. I used Maracyn and Maracyn2 at the same time after many recommendations. It didn't do a thing in my case. I think mine is just an old fella. Older people are prone to tumors and some have fatty non-cancerous ones they live with until they die of something else. So just have fun with im and treasure the time. Keep us posted ok?
My betta died a couple of months ago from a tumor in his eye, at first i thought i was fungus as that was what it looked like (his eye went a cloudy white) so i treated him for about 2 months with a multicure fungus medication, when he didnt get better i realised what it was . He lived for about 5 months with this,it didnt worry him he was still making bubble nests, feeding and chasing the girls. :(
As a side note, it always killed me about people taking shark cartilage for cancer....the big quote being "Sharks don't get cancer". As you said, rocks don't get cancer, would you take rocks as a cancer treatment then? I guess when you'll grasp at anything when you're desperate though but what a waste of money!!
Flautist, looks like you're getting some good encouragment here.
I think mine is just an old fella. Older people are prone to tumors and some have fatty non-cancerous ones they live with until they die of something else.

Yeah, Sakana is an old man... I think he's pushing two years old now, maybe even older. (He's a PetCo rescue, and was full grown when I got him almost a year and a half ago.) He's such a cutie... he doesn't flare at his neighbors, but he sure teases them... he goes up to the side and dances at them, and when they start flaring and going crazy, he'll just turn around and casually swim away. :lol: The only thing he flares at is his own reflection! :lol: He's a tiny guy, too... he's about 3/4 the size of my other bettas... Daemerung was bigger than him when he was 3.5 months!
Then that might splain the tumor. These guys are so loveable aren't they? Like little cats in fish suits. I have mine on top of a cabinet so it's like he's on a mountaintop. He used to swim down his bowl and flare at me. Made some beautiful bubblenests in his day too. I guess we all get old and can't do as we used to. I've had to take his water level way down as he can't reach the top if it's full more than half. He was full grown too when I got him. After observing what goes at the store where I got him this time last year, I decided the breeders may be sending their breeding stock out for retail sales after the holidays are over. Around Christmas, they got all kinds of babies in their shipment and then after they got adults. This might not be true but just an observation after watching the truck with the shipments.
Have you thought of doing an antibiotic treatment just in case? Might be worth a try so you can feel as though you've done all you can.

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