can bettas go in comunity tanks?


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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I no that bettas can go in a community tank ut just not with a another male betta. I recently ha a betta in my tank and it got eaten up but i dont know by hoo. that doesnt matter now. my question is which fish can bettas go with? can they go with gouramis and mollys?
Bettas can go with fish that arent fin-nipping or overly active.

Fish that are not able to get along with bettas include zebra danios, tiger barbs, gouramis (they are relatives of bettas) . They also cannot go with guppies, as the flowing fins of the guppies makes the betta think the guppy is another male betta. So, in answer to your query, no they cannot go with gouramis and mollies. However, they can go with most tetras, cories, ottos, plecos, and many other small, peaceful, and slow moving fish.

but if gouramis and bettas are related y would they nip at eachother if they both come from the same range and are both labrynth fish :dunno: -_- :unsure:
You just gave the reason right there!

Bettas fight each other. Gouramis do as well, but more than 1 can live together relatively peacefully. So since they are related, they will fight each other as well. See the point :kana: ?

oooooooooooo now i see........thanx for ur help :fun: :fun:
Actually for that matter, ive kept bettas with dwarf gouramis too! The dwarfs seem to be the exception...

i had a betta with a gourami but the gourami attacked the betta and ripped all its fins and the betta died :(
:D :D good cuz i only got dwarf gouramis :D :D but what about really really really smal opline gouramis that have grown up since a fry in a 12 gallon tank and havent grown very much over the past 2 years. ? will that work?
i couldnt keep my gourami with any fish that long fins even my black moore got attacked my little angel also nipped at the bettas fins and the black moores -_-
i dont realy know alot about gouramis im still trying to find out more about them
I've kept betta's with all different types of fish, including gourami's, zebra danio's and tiger barbs. The only one out of the 3 I have had troubles with were the barbs. Never have had a problem with zebra's or gourami's.
kool so in this case im going to try out a betta in my community tank and if he gets nipped at ill move him to a betta tank that i will get. gut my gouramis are tiny things so he should be fine :D :D :D :D
the reson there so tiny is becuz u are not giveing tem room to grow u need bigger thena 12 gallon if u have more then 5 gourimis at least ... :nod: what are u a

-------------------> :beer: :drink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
no i only got 3 and im gettin a new 24 gallon tank next week so they will have plenty of time to grow

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