Can Anyone Tell Me What This Is

hmmm no i havnt ever touched him. when i tried to move him i used the other end of a net but now i just leave him too it. its very interesting though why it felt like it did if you wasnt stung. perhaps if someone on here doesnt know il ask some Lads on plane catfish forum they might know

Really loving the Ageneiosis at the min. any pics of your Atronotus's would love to see them? :)

Also if you want any more but finding hard to get any try Pier aquatics in wigan ( they can get hold of almost anything iv got a Marmoratus on order from them its the only place iv found that can. If thats too far away for you you could also try Wharf aquatics speak to Richard Hardwick hes very helpful. Plus its in Nottingham so not far from you mate

But yeah its very nice to speak to other ageneiosis keepers :)
Yeah my Atronotus are from Pier :) Its a great shop and well worth the trip :D I've been really sad and liked them on facebook, they are updating all the time so many incredible fish!

Ive never managed to get any good pics of them but this is what Ive got - this is actually a really old one of my first one I dosed the tank with some meds and it knocked him out :( I couldnt save him


They all have the milky eyes - they are pretty blind.... But these didnt have the pink markings. After I lost the first one I went back for these two.

Just out of interest where are you from? I saw a A.Marmoratus in Just Fish in S#37###horpe a while ago and a couple of the Vitatus at Ferrybridge Aquatics a week or so ago just wondering if your around these parts as well?

hahaha yep just fish is where we bought her from haha thats mental cant believe you saw her in there :)

ferrybridge aquatics iv never been to but now youve mentioned that i might go Vittatus hunting :)

Im from Gainsborough mate by the way
haha I knew it was that one! Great shop Just Fish :) Where else do you go over that side? Where did you get the Vitatus from?

Ferrybridge is a good shop lots of interesting species but you have to quarantine stuff from there I cant 100% recommend them without a warning on the health of the fish I have a lot of issues and didnt go for a long time despite the nice species and its also the reason I came away empty handed last time I went....
Got the new ageneiosis from Wharf aquatics in Nottingham mate sure you must have been there by now. only thing with just fish is they sold me the Marmoratus and didnt themselves know anything about her. Not there fault like they were mis informed too maybe but they told me she loved eating bloodworm when infact the poor gal had been used to eating live fish in a river in peru somewhere then in a flash shes living in a strange tank after travelling thousands of miles and absolutely refuses to eat anything that wasnt live lol but got round it in the end

By the way i thought fish couldnt see red light? is this all fish does anyone know cause the little Git stops dead when i put a red LED strip on in her tank when everything else is pitch black?
Yeah Ive been to Wharf :) Got a couple of fish from there also a good shop! When I saw this one in Just Fish I said it was Agenisous but they didnt know what it was then but they had a good idea of what they needed tank size and mate wise - interesting about the food for the first few months mine didnt each much at all but they are onto Prima with me now :)

Where do yours swim? In the pics they look quite low down but mine are always in the top right hand corner together - it makes me think they are actually schooling fish of some kind would love to get some more :(

yeah iv been told they do better in pairs or a pack so the more the better. im waiting on my new one hopefully being picked out a river in peru as we speak :)

shes kind of a mid swimmer when the lights go out and i go to bed. i turn the lights on in the morning and shes mid tank just wiggling her tail. 5 seconds later boom straight to he bottom haha

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