hmmm no i havnt ever touched him. when i tried to move him i used the other end of a net but now i just leave him too it. its very interesting though why it felt like it did if you wasnt stung. perhaps if someone on here doesnt know il ask some Lads on plane catfish forum they might know
Really loving the Ageneiosis at the min. any pics of your Atronotus's would love to see them?
Also if you want any more but finding hard to get any try Pier aquatics in wigan ( they can get hold of almost anything iv got a Marmoratus on order from them its the only place iv found that can. If thats too far away for you you could also try Wharf aquatics speak to Richard Hardwick hes very helpful. Plus its in Nottingham so not far from you mate
But yeah its very nice to speak to other ageneiosis keepers
Really loving the Ageneiosis at the min. any pics of your Atronotus's would love to see them?
Also if you want any more but finding hard to get any try Pier aquatics in wigan ( they can get hold of almost anything iv got a Marmoratus on order from them its the only place iv found that can. If thats too far away for you you could also try Wharf aquatics speak to Richard Hardwick hes very helpful. Plus its in Nottingham so not far from you mate
But yeah its very nice to speak to other ageneiosis keepers