Can Anyone Tell Me What This Is

Steve GT

Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2011
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Hi guys

Just got a new fish a lovely chap was sold to me and on the tank it looked like it said "bolan catfish" but done a search and cant find anything about it. Anyone know his latin name and common name? bloke said he's very rare too not sure if this is true either




my guess would be a bolt catfish? great looking catfish.

oh and latin name is... Aguarunichthys torosus
yes it is really nice

little git stops dead a lot of the time i keep paniking he's dead but then off he goes again lol
Not a bolt, but like a post a few weeks back, another auchenipterid. I have no idea which, but I'd suggest you ask over at PlanetCatfish as it does look like it has some damage to the fins and you need to get that resolved ASAP or risk losing the fish. Clean, well oxygenated water, lots of cover from the bright lights and keep an eye on the pectoral and tail fins especially as they look like, maybe, ammonia burns from being in the bag.
Do you (or should I say, the shop) know where the fish came from? Can you ask?
I'm fascinated by it, but think there are experts over on PC that can help you firstly ID and then put forward a plan of action for treatment.
Looking at the auchenipterids, it doesn't look (apart from a small similarity to Ageneiosus vittatus, but that has a white underside) like anything i can see.

Mouth doesn't look right, but what about Ageneiosus marmoratus?
Right, have asked a very knowledgeable friend over on PC to take a look, and he thinks, most probably, Ageneiosus polystictus. As you can see from the datasheet, you are looking at a fish with an adult size of roughly 18".
I'm not sure of it's size now (looks to be a good 8"), but be aware this will obvioulsy eat anything it can fit in it's mouth, and so any tank mates small enough will be fair game.
What does it share the tank with (apart from the oscar)?
Right havnt updated this in ages

Well you were Right Martin he is an Ageneiosus Marmoratus. There nocturnal hunting catfish and when I got him he was very predatory. Wouldn't touch anything that wasn't live and was basically refusing dry or frozen food. It wasn't a case of He'l eat when he gets really hungry its a case. Of He'l starve himself to death. Anyway after a good talk with Richard from wharf aquatics (top bloke) in Nottingham we came up with a feeding regime so I could ween him off live onto dry food. first stage was a few weeks of earth worms these were good food for him and cause they wriggled about he took to them very well. After getting him on them comfortably I moved onto frozen white bait. Still fish just not as live as he's used to. Anyway after a month of eating them I bought some dry food called Massivore pellets. There specially designed for carnivorous Catfish. There not cheap but full of the vitamins and nutrients he needs. He didn't take to them straight away but A few good water changes and a 2 day starve period soon worked his appetite up. Anyway he now cleans them up when the lights are off and I'm
In bed so I'm happy.

A few people believe keeping a carnivorous fish on live food is the best way but doing this has a few downsides. Mainly it's a pain having to keep live fish stocked as well as expensive unless you can breed a good amount of guppies tetra etc but also dry food has more nutrients in it so in my opinion this is the best way.

now for those who don't know much about these they are little gits. There not like normal fish that will swim around all day and come greet you when your near the tank etc they literally stop dead in the day. Mine doesn't move at all. There also tricksters. Iv found mine upside down on its back, tangled in plants, vertical nose down etc. at first I kept worrying he was dead and kept putting end of nets near him etc and he suddenly shoots off now iv just learned and accepted this is the way he is. Those people who want a nice thing to look at all day this isn't the fish for you but TRUST ME when I say this I'm amazed by him. At night after a good water change I often switch all the lights off in the house, turn the special red light iv set up in his tank on and watch him swim around unknowingly that I'm watching him. There brilliant to watch. He just floats on the spot with just his tail wiggling its so gracious.

Iv been tirelessly searching for another marmoratus to go in with him but there pretty rare and hard to get of things so havnt had any success yet the closest iv came is 2 days ago Wharf aquatics got me in an Ageneiosus Vittatus but it's only 4" so the partition iv made is in to seperate the 2 till the Vittatus grown or he will become dinner. But iv just bought a Sorubim Lima catfish to go in with him for now to keep him company as these move in a similar way I'm hoping the marmoratus will join him in moving around soon as its nice to have a friend

His tanks been filled with plants as the guys on Planet catfish forum advised me He'l like them as well as doubling up on filters and a nice big air rock as he likes plenty of air. He often sits on the air rock in the day and doesn't move. Iv ordered some frogbit from a lad on here tonight too to provide a bit of shelter from the bright lights in the day. Basically the whole tanks designed around him to keep him happy now.

also his fin has healed nicely And very quickly since that pic was taken you'd never know now it's perfectly back to normal so thanks for the advice on that one. I'm on iPhone at the min so when I get home il upload some nice and close pics of him for you all to see.

The point in this post was to provide as much info iv learned about this guy as possible so if someone else ever gets one and doesn't know anything about him like what happened to me this will hopefully help out

cheers guys

Sorry about the water streaks on the glass Just moved house tank got a bit wet lol its clean now :)







Quick one of the Vittatus too

I thought you'd replied on PC that you had decided against the Ageneiosus sp(3) (as it was a sp(3), not the A.vittatus that you'd hoped)?
Looking much better now - all the fins have cleared up and whilst not being bulging, has a nice shape which means it's getting enough food.
yes i did decide against it mate which is why my mate bought him. However while he was getting my new tank done i put him in the marmoratus tank with a partition up so they couldnt meet yet. However i like the little guy so much iv asked my mate if i can keep him and il re home him into another of my tanks when he's bigger. I just love the Ageneiosus's so much i had to keep him :)

And yeah he's eating well. Only trouble is he's getting lazy now and wont move hardly. Apparently when there bellys are nice and round they will just sit still so now iv got him eating dry food comfaratably im having a few starve days for him so he gets some movement back and starts moving around to look for his food :)
Cheers mate he is a beaut

At the min he's in a 150 litre tank about 3 ft wide. Plenty or flow air and plants and he's happy. Got another marmoratus coming in in about 2 weeks on order too so He'l have a tank mate soon :)
Hi great to see someone else keeping these :) I have 2 Agenisous cf.Atronotus (spelling sorry) which are great! Quite small compared to your species at around 3 inches? Maybe 4 never measured them...

One quick question, one Agenisous keeper to an other - have you ever been touched them and got a reaction from them? I had to handle them once and seriously got stinging sensations all up my arms just from touching them, I wasnt stung but I did touch the dorsal fin which I think is what sets it off......

Also I see you have found they play dead easy haha!! The amount of times it happens its stupid such a silly defense mechanism.... It happens ever water change for us now its just comical...

Great fish though:) And I wish they were more commonly available especially the smaller species!


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