Can Anyone Suggest a Plec For My Tank?!!


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Jan 17, 2005
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I have my fish in a ten gallon tank at the moment but im buying a new tank, and they will be moved into a 2ft (about 15 gallon) tank soon! In there at the moment i have 3 female bettas, 3 dwarf cichlids, 2 killifish (being moved into their own tank asap) and one BN plec.

I dont really want to put any more 'fish' in there as i think i have a nice selection at the moment, but i hardly ever see my BN and i really wanted something else at the bottom of the tank that is attractive and that i will actually see!!

So... Im broke! :lol: Im a student so i cant afford anything stupidly priced! Much as id love a Zebra Plec or something thats just not going to happen! :sad: can anyone suggest something that would be suitable in my tank (ie. doesnt grow big!), will get on with my BN, is a bit more colourful and that will be fairly easily available in my LFS?

I dont ask for much, do i? :D
Not sure if it will fit (inch wize) but whiptails cats are lovely and always active in the tank :)
Because (I think) she doesn't have space - seeing that you really ideally need 6. (that equates to 18 inches of fish :S )

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