Can Anyone Recommend A Worming Tablet...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2007
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Dover, Kent
I've been trying to worm my cats, and they're not having any of it! tried crushing, mixing with food, mixing with butter, even sneaking upon them while they're asleep...nah. Trouble is, Toby,our really timid tomcat is now avoiding the house, and only sleeping in the shed, and won't come to us.
Then I remembered that my old cat, Thom,was on some antibiotics, and they had a special coating, and he absolutely loved them. (sadly he was run over a few weeks ago), and I just wondered if anyone knows of any wormers that the cats might actually like?
I use stronghold for Sky (dog - but they also do it for cats). It covers fleas, some worms (not all so tablets are still necessary - at least for dogs, not sure about cats), mites, mange, ticks - the works. Definitely recommended.
Stronghold only covers against roundworm and hookworm, not tapeworms. :good:

Drontal cat is the most effective cat wormer, other good brands include Milbemax and Panacur (Panacur do "Favourites" - a palatable tablet). All of these are avaiable through the vets - I think you can get Drontal online without a prescription now though? Although I think the Panacur Favourites would be your best bet :)
I use Drontal for the dogs and wont use anything else but the Cats are another thing I have to try a different way every time :rolleyes:
Just done them and this time it was crushed Drontal mixed into Sardines and thankfully it all went
there is a new wormer for cats on the market - you can only get it from your vet, it's called Profender - you place it on the back of the neck. it covers them for: round worms and tapeworms. bit more expensive but worth every blooming penny :good:
I have one of my cats injected at vets with wormer as she nealry bit my hand off rather than take it oraly.

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