Can Anyone Identify This?

Gorilla crabs are alot darker, the "hair" is alot different on them and the head shape actually looks quite different to me.

But i agree, If it was me I wouldnt leave it in the tank.

Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! I would say that if you can't get a definate fix on what kind of crab it is, then I would definately pull it out of my system. That's a neat hitchhiker though :D

If it were me I'd catch it and put it in my refugium/sump area. If it survives there without food it probably feeds on algea and can be kept with the cleaning crew there.
i have one in my tank that hitchiked too. isaw it today for the first time in 8 months.

last time i saw it wich was also the only other time i saw it it was just over about 1/8" big. since then i changed my substrate and thought in the change from tank to buckets(Liverock) it dident make it but today as i was feeding my Coral banded shrimp and clowns some freez dried brine... a bit of it fell in a crevice on th LR. since my powerheads were off at the time it sat there and i watched un til some thing would eat it up. i thought it might be a hermit that would end up getting to it . to my surprise i see it again.... now keep in mind i havent seen it in 8 months. it was over every bit of 5/8 of an inch .it tore into the freeze dried brine. so now im kinda worried... i haven notice it do anything to my corals or anything else for that matter. so i think im gonna get it out if i can find a way to trick it with some shrimp or something.

it looks exactly like the first post of the orange one exept its brown and camoes well in the rocks.

dosent quite looke like a gorrilla but i guess it could be a close cousin.
will be a task to get it out.
Wow- great idea. I never thought about that. Neat.

You never knew about doing that? Wow. I wonder how many other reefers are killing crabs/mantis shrimp without considering their fuge. Alot of crabs are scavangers, so they will pick out any solid food that makes it too the fuge, another consumer/member of they clean-up crew! :)
ah well still not got a full ID of my hairy orange critter, lets just say i'm keeping my eye on him any sign of agression to his tank mates and he's outta there.

just wonder thou what he's been eating for 3 months???????????????????
hey i got a pic of the crab i was talking about any ideas on its ID?

sorry its blurry but its the best one i could take.

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