Can Anyone Identify This Fish?


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Jun 15, 2016
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Can anyone identify this fish?  He was alone at the store and I brought him home, but the store attendants were kind of clueless about what was what...
[Edit: he's like 1.75 inches long]


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Danio, possibly long finned Danio.
Could be a cross between leopard danio and zebra danio.
I concur, a long finned danio, probably leopard or zebra/leopard cross. He'll be happiest shoaling in a group of 6-10.

Thanks for the identification.
He was the only one of his kind at the store ... I'd be happy to buy him some tank-mates ... do they have to look just like him (i.e. could I just get some regular zebra danios?) or do I have to try to track down fish that look just like him?
Though I only have a shoal of zebras currently, I can't see any reason why he wouldn't shoal with some long finned or normal finened zebras or leopard danios. Zebras by far are the easiest to find; hardy, peaceful and give a tank constant motion and action.
Either leopard or zebra danios will be fine to mix with it, in my experience with the two species they happily shoaled together. Which is probably how such a cross came about in the first place.
My personal favourite in the danio department are pearl danios, very pretty and still full of activity.
Looks also rather similar to a Danio nigrofasciatus. However, I have never heard of long finned fish of this species.
So the suggestion of a leopard danio or zebra danio or a mix of them, could also be right.

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