Can Anyone Identify This Fish?


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2008
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Can anyone identify this fish. Got it the other day and it had a strange name but cant remember what it was.!!!
that's not a keyhole, looks like a geophagus of some kind.......but I'm way out of my depth trying to identify anything like that.
You have a geophagus brazilliensis.
You have a geophagus brazilliensis.
Yep, geophagus brasiliensis . I had 4 and they are quite aggressive, I had to return them. They were juvies but they butchered some of my fish within 24 hours of getting them
Ok cheers yeah that sounds about right from what I seen on the label.

He's is with an Oscar, Severum and Jack Dempsey so shouldnt cause too much bother. Doesnt seem to be bothered by their presence and no one else seems to take much notice of him.
Thats about the right mix for a Braziliensis, mine is in with my large oscar, batters anything else.
They terrorised my severums so they had to go. they were quite nasty with each other too.
He is the smallest in the tank so im hoping will get used to his tankmates by the time he gets bigger.
these are the most aggressive of geophagus that i have come across, they ripped each others dorsal fins off in transport. i have 4 different geo's now and the difference in temperament is astonishing. geo's really should be kept in groups but you need a big tank because they get huge and get pissy with each other

sexing is more or less impossible until they pair off
all right
I was back in the store today and they still had some of these but the second part of the name started with Al. Meant to write it down but was in a hurry. So the first part is correct but not the brazil part as it starts with al.
I was back in the store today and they still had some of these but the second part of the name started with Al. Meant to write it down but was in a hurry. So the first part is correct but not the brazil part as it starts with al.
Geophagus altifron? im with everyone one the Geophagus brasiliensis. Definitely doesnt look like a Geophagus altifron to me.
Yeah that sounds about right. Defo had that on label. But could have been incorrectly labeld I suppos.
If they are labelled as Altifrons they are definately incorrectly labled, you best off telling the shop else someone who has looked up the geo altifrons is going to be in for a bit of a tank full of trouble if they go and buy a group of brazilliensis instead! (not that the shop will pay much attention, but its worth a try)

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