Can anyone help identify this killi?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
London, England
I was pointed over here from the general discussion page, I think this is a killi but not sure. I hope this is the right part of the forum to post on, anyway.

The fish in Elizabeth's avatar is Pseudepiplatys annulatus.(3.5mm) There are different strains\locations where populations of the same species exist. Among them are Guinee, Monrovia and Kassawe Forest. The monrovia strain from Liberia is the most vibrant coloured (more red and brighter blue in the finnage).
They are a small species, which means that there eggs are small and the subsequent fry are tiny also. The fry are too small to accept Artemia nauplii (newly hatched brineshrimp) and therefore must be supplied with infusoria for a while and then introduced to brineshrimp. It's best to breed Annulatus in a permanent setup. 18"x8"x8" tank with Java Moss and Salvinia (floating plant) and a couple of floating mops. Condition you breeding stock on the best foodstuffs possible (livefoods followed by frozen are best) The fry will appear in the parent tank where you can scoop them out and rear them according to size as larger fry will show cannibalistic tendances towards their smaller siblings. Not a difficult species to keep but breeding and rearing is an entirely different matter.

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