New Member
Just wondering if any members could help me I.D my frav cory. I got it from a fish store where it was sold to me as a c.melanistius (which I know it is not). It's around 5-6cm long, is a sandy colour with a black splodge on his dorsal and is a long-nosed type cory. I call him Gomez because the closet match i found on Catfish Planet cat-e-log was c.gomezi. If anyone can help i would be very greatful because I love this little Cat to bits and i want to know what he is.
also let me point out that the red tinge on my third photo is not the colouration it is comeing from my little hydor stick-on LED light.
also let me point out that the red tinge on my third photo is not the colouration it is comeing from my little hydor stick-on LED light.