Can anyone give me a good idea of what this gourami will look like full grown?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2017
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I recently ordered this honey gourami from my local fish store and it came in much smaller then expected. Can anyone tell from the picture what it might look like full grown. I know what honey gourami look like I am just trying to figure out if this one will be one of the ones with black on them or one of the lighter ones. I can get a better picture if needed.


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Was there anything else stated in the name? Like sunset honey gourami or something?

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A side view would help more but from what I can see the fish is yellow with an orange tail and fins and a dark stripe down the sides. If this is correct then you most likely have a female of the yellow colour morph of honey gourami.
With this colour, males tend to have more orange on them than females; often the tail end third of the body is orange as well as the tail fin. I can't see how much of the fish's body is orange from the photo.
Females are a lot more likely than males to have a stripe down the sides. It is most obvious in the natural coloured females but yellow ones also have the stripe to some degree - some females have definite solid lines, some have broken lines. These lines are darker when the fish is stressed such as in a shop tank.
Male yellow honey gouramis do develop black on their throats but it is not as deep or extensive as in the wild colour.

I have had yellow honey gouramis in the past :) I have attached photos of a male and female of my gouramis so you can compare yours. You can see the broken dark line in the female and the blackish throat in the male - it did become more intense when he was building a bubble nest. The photos also show the more extensive orange colour in the male.


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From the pic (which is not the best) I would also assume that it belongs to some of the yellow or "gold" strains, def not the wild form.

If it is a male (not sure yet) and if you keep it alone (meaning no other honey gourami around), it will never show full colors anyways.
A side view would help more but from what I can see the fish is yellow with an orange tail and fins and a dark stripe down the sides. If this is correct then you most likely have a female of the yellow colour morph of honey gourami.
With this colour, males tend to have more orange on them than females; often the tail end third of the body is orange as well as the tail fin. I can't see how much of the fish's body is orange from the photo.
Females are a lot more likely than males to have a stripe down the sides. It is most obvious in the natural coloured females but yellow ones also have the stripe to some degree - some females have definite solid lines, some have broken lines. These lines are darker when the fish is stressed such as in a shop tank.
Male yellow honey gouramis do develop black on their throats but it is not as deep or extensive as in the wild colour.

I have had yellow honey gouramis in the past :) I have attached photos of a male and female of my gouramis so you can compare yours. You can see the broken dark line in the female and the blackish throat in the male - it did become more intense when he was building a bubble nest. The photos also show the more extensive orange colour in the male.
Would I be able to tell it's gender this early, it us still very small compared to every other one I have seen?
Also a better picture is attached.


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At the moment I would say it looks female, though if it is very small it could be a male that has not reached puberty yet as most male fish tend to look like females as juveniles.

The female characteristics that I can see in you photo are - just the fins are orange, the body is all yellow; the dark stripe down its side.
I can't see the shape of the fins clearly but females have shorter more rounded fins than males. (In the photo of my fish, the female appears to have a very long dorsal fin but if you look carefully you'll see it is quite short and there is something orangey behind the edge of the fin!)
Thanks for the response. I think it is currently about a inch but I don't how big gourami males are before they color up. Guess I will just have to wait and see.
That is about the size they are normally sold at. Mine grew to about 2 inches including the tail so at 1 inch, yours doesn't have much more growing to do.
If it is an inch, I say it is a female honey gourami of the yellow colour morph.
Thanks for the response. Was hoping that it was a uncolored up male. It does have nice coloring though so I am happy with it. Guess this give me motivation to set up a another tank to get it a mate when I get the room.
@essjay I just found this post, after searching for info on my gouramis, as I got some wild type, and kinda panicked when they all interacted differently. I wasnt sure if I had a male or female yellow/golden, but on my gourami noob thread:
I am being advised it is most likely a female yellow, who wants to breed. It seems you know them fairly well, if you get a chance to look, I have some pics and videos on there, maybe you could drop by and see?

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