Can Anybody Id This Crab Please

I have just the two cleaner shrimps and around 15-20 red legged hermits but i have lost track how many i have actually put in. I see all the hermits daily and i also have alot of turbo snails that have never been affected by the hitchiker crabs. Only snails i have ever lost were due to my boxfish but that fish is my pride and joy so he can eat whatever he wants. The boxfish can also eat the hitchiker crabs but they are mainly nocturnal so i don't think he ever gets a chance.
OK cool,i'll not worry about him then,i bet i got more than 1 anyway.
Oh Glen, keep a close eye on the little bugger, they grow fast and he has got mighty big pincers!

Seffie x

Yeh i wil do,if he gets big he'll be easier to catch! i'm just hoping he dont touch my hermits or the cleaner shrimp when i get one.
OK i caught the lil sh*t last night,took him down to the LFS today and guess what! its a Emerald Crab,but a blue one :eek:

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