Can Anybody Help Describe A Colour Of A Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
i saw a betta a while back in practical fishkeeping magazine and was wondering if anyone could help me find out hat the colour is called, it was a crowntail i think and was black but where the light hit, the scales were like a dark metallic blue.
can anybody help?
Thing is with colour is that you can call it what the heck you like. I mean, you see red bettas being sold as blood bettas, yellow as pinapple etc. I'd guess steel blue, possibly?
I think your asking if there's a name for that spicific color of betta, but there isn't. Its just what the breeder d :thumbs: ecided to sell it as.
I think your asking if there's a name for that spicific color of betta, but there isn't. Its just what the breeder d :thumbs: ecided to sell it as.
Yeah like if synirr has a orange plakat she could sell it as a pumpkin plakat :lol:
Pfft, like I'd ever intentionally have an orange betta :p *lol*
thanks for your help
the black orchid looks very similar, durbkat i only asked to see whether there was a specific name for it but obviously there isn't lol
Pfft, like I'd ever intentionally have an orange betta :p *lol*
What? You don't like the color orange? Well thats not true because I went over to your house while you were out and I saw that you have hundreds of orange bettas and I saw several pics in your bedroom with you in orange clothes :shifty:
I'd like and orange halfmoon... :*)

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