Can a person love their bettas

Thanks dragonfish! My friend needs to think of a name for him before he becomes "blue fish" :lol:

Alpha-ya he is pretty mean looking isn't he? :flex:
:wub:atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus atticus :wub:

thats all in my mind!

i have faith Carly will go back home :) :thumbs:
Thanks Delores, I really hope she does
Glad you like Atticus...I really do too
You bettas are soo cute...I love Atticus...very patriotic...
I don't think you can love your betta too much...Here is a picture of my betta Doofus...(believe me the name fits him...he's so funny) Forgive the fuzziness my husband didn't tell me he had the digital camera on the lowest resolution when I took these pics...LOL


Here is a picture of him looking at his buddy Cornelius the snail...

I my GOSH, you must think I'm an IDIOT for calling Atticus a girl :rolleyes: :*)

HE is sooo beautiful! Never in my life have I seen such colors!!! My gosh, I wouldn't mind a betta that looked like Atticus!!! He is sooo beautiful, beautiful BEAUTIFUL!
Atticus is simply one of the most gorgeous bettas I have ever seen, and so I would like to nominate him for BOTM for the second pic on the first page. Gorgeous! :wub: :wub: :wub:

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