Hi just looking for some info off any computer minded people. Firstly let me apologise for my lack of knowledge I hope what I say makes sense but please just say if it doesn't I will try to explain again better.
Recently our computer stopped working one minute I was on the internet the next it had switched itself off. When we turned it back on we got up the page saying it had not been shut down properly and did we want to start windows normally or using safe mode ect but whatever we chose it took us round in circles restarting then again ending up at the same screen. This happened once before and I ended up using a system restore by accident and resetting the computer to its factory settings. So we called across an uncle who knows a lot about computers. Reading some of the codes he discovered that windows appeared to be conrupted which was why we couldn't get on. Since the computer has all the recovery and everything partitioned off we had no restore disks so he came back and brought a windows disk with him. He tried to restart the computer in several different ways by loading windows up, hoping to safe our photos etc. But had no luck. Next he tried to find our documents using commands but as far as he could find there was nothing on the hard drive. After this we decided to admit defeat and carry out the syatem restore which would wipe all our safed documents and restore the computer to its factory settings. However when we tried this it refused to do it. My uncle said that he could do it by wiping the disks and reinstalling windows but he wanted to try something else first since he had not worked with partitioned drives before and was unsure what he could format. He hoped that if he connected the drive to his computer he could access our files that way before using windows to the system, running again. He managed this with success but when he plugged the computer back in it loaded up normally and everything was there just as it had been before it crashed. My uncle said it was almost like it had jammed. Just really looking for reasons and an explanation of what happened. Anyone got any ideas?
Recently our computer stopped working one minute I was on the internet the next it had switched itself off. When we turned it back on we got up the page saying it had not been shut down properly and did we want to start windows normally or using safe mode ect but whatever we chose it took us round in circles restarting then again ending up at the same screen. This happened once before and I ended up using a system restore by accident and resetting the computer to its factory settings. So we called across an uncle who knows a lot about computers. Reading some of the codes he discovered that windows appeared to be conrupted which was why we couldn't get on. Since the computer has all the recovery and everything partitioned off we had no restore disks so he came back and brought a windows disk with him. He tried to restart the computer in several different ways by loading windows up, hoping to safe our photos etc. But had no luck. Next he tried to find our documents using commands but as far as he could find there was nothing on the hard drive. After this we decided to admit defeat and carry out the syatem restore which would wipe all our safed documents and restore the computer to its factory settings. However when we tried this it refused to do it. My uncle said that he could do it by wiping the disks and reinstalling windows but he wanted to try something else first since he had not worked with partitioned drives before and was unsure what he could format. He hoped that if he connected the drive to his computer he could access our files that way before using windows to the system, running again. He managed this with success but when he plugged the computer back in it loaded up normally and everything was there just as it had been before it crashed. My uncle said it was almost like it had jammed. Just really looking for reasons and an explanation of what happened. Anyone got any ideas?