can a fully grow angel fish be put in my tank


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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a friend of mine brought on his his angel fish who has one eyeball poped out of his socet, can i put him\her (i don't know) in my comunity aquarium where I have 6 tiger barbs, 3 cherry barbs, 3 red eye tetras, and 3 neon tetras, (more to be added later, don't know what yet) I have plenty of room in the aquarium for the fish
space is not a problem my tank is approx 2 feet wide, 2 feet high, and 6 feet long
when you say one eye ball poped out do you mean a missing eye? or one thats sticking out of its head? if its the second one...i dont recommend putting him in your tank just he could pass on the disease to other fish in your tank.
the eye is still there but its looking in a different direction hes has been like that for a couple month now
In my experience, tiger barbs and angels don't mix well. My barbs nipped my biggest angel really badly and they had to be seperated. If the angel is unwell (could it have pop-eye or dropsy??) the extra stress would be very bad for it.
lets hope he makes it because im not gonna it in my cichlid tank and hope he survives in there, the tiger barbs are still small and they have plenty of room in the tank
as far as I know he get beat up by my friends rainbow shark. if i had a camera i send a pic it don't look its that bad

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