Can 2 Live Together

Yes but you have to make sure you have a big anuff tank for the both of them. First of all some plec get to be over 15inches so I would say you need at least a 55 gal and if that tank is to small there wont be anuff food for the both of them unless you add food.
can a clown plec and a common plec live together?

a clown plec grows to 4 inches, certain species of common pleco can get nearer to 24 inches,

They should be ok together as although commons are territorial i'm not sure they will bother with something so small in comparison, but again for a common your looking at a tank of 100G+ IMO
hi, yeah my dad has a 6foot tank so could take the plec when it gets too big.
just want an algae eater but apparently the clown plec isnt one???????????????????????????????????????????
its to gio in my 40 gallon tetra and barb tank
what about ruby sharks, too aggressive to live with teh neons etc?
IF you where buying a 24 inch plec then yes I would say 100g min but who does that? MY LFS has a 4 year old plec and its only 13 inches(and still growing)So you will be fine save a dime a day for the next 5 years and when yours is 24 inches you will be able to buy a big anuff tank for :good: :good:
Yes they eat algae,but there fav is drift wood they also eat veg. The only down side to this fish is that they hate open spaces where they can be seen and they can hide for months. So if you want a plec you can see on a daily, weakly, or even monthly basis I would not recommend this one to you.
100G?? for just the 2 fish?

I didn't say just for those two fish, you could have loads of community fish as well or cichlids or whatever, just once you add a common pleco into the equation the tank size required increases
Well yes they live together but u should provide them with a good tank size.

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