Came to work to find betta tank at 58F!!

BettaMomma, you could get a couple nice live plants for less than the $15 for decorations. Amazon Swords look great in the 2.5 gallon. Just one looks good. Two look even better. They only run about $2.50 each. The gravel I have in those 2 tanks is the browninsh round stones that Petsmart has in all their tanks here. You may need a little more lighting though. I will post a picture of my 2.5 gallon and 5 gallon as soon as I get home.
I usually get gravel, a nice silk plant or two and a little hidey cave for the boys. They LOVE the hidey cave. Jasper pretty much lived in his cave when he was sick - it's not necessarily a cave either, I guess - it's more of an arch they can swim thru... I guess it just made him feel safe. They all have one - it's the only one I could find that doesn't have any rough edges on it.

A couple of my boys needed to have airstones in also - for medication purposes, and I've just left them in ever since. In fact, all but 1 of them has an airstone in his tank. Jasper loves to go hang out over the air bubbles. I guess he just likes the nice fresh feeling of air bubbles going up his butt. :lol:

I haven't necessarily made the leap over to live plants just yet because the silk ones seem to be so much less hassle. I know they'd probably like the real ones, but I'm pretty sure they're perfectly content in the upgraded tanks they have after living so long in thos nasty a$^ cups at WalMart. :)

I'll take the cam home tonight and get photos of my setups at home and post them too. We could maybe open up a new topic and ask for ppl to post photos of their tanks. That might be a really good idea!!
One time when my heater broke in my betta's 10 gallon the temp was around 65 which is pretty cold for a tropical fish. It was at night when I found out the heater had busted and all of the LFS's were closed. I went to walmart to look but they didn't have any heaters that would go in my tank. I think they had like a tiny one that would warm it up only 2 degrees or something like that.

I just got a sandwich bag and filled it with warm water and let it float in the tank. Then when that water got cold, I would empty it and change it with warm water again. This slowly raised the temp until it got to around 75 :thumbs: I don't know if it is the BEST idea, but it worked for me and my betta was 100% fine. It took awhile though. After like every 5-10 minutes the bag would get cold and I would replace it again with new warm water.
Also, a really good way to keep water temperatures from dropping overnight is to put towls over the fishtank. I do that every night, and it keeps my tank at a constant 80 degrees (probably much less stressful for the fish). But if you do this, just be sure to always turn the aquarium's light off, otherwise the temperature will soar to around 86 (eeek, voice of experience! :*) ).

By the way, I have a 2.5 mini-bow aquarium, and use a whisper heater. :)
FrisaGirl said:
Also, a really good way to keep water temperatures from dropping overnight is to put towls over the fishtank. I do that every night, and it keeps my tank at a constant 80 degrees (probably much less stressful for the fish). But if you do this, just be sure to always turn the aquarium's light off, otherwise the temperature will soar to around 86 (eeek, voice of experience! :*) ).

By the way, I have a 2.5 mini-bow aquarium, and use a whisper heater. :)
What a great idea!! :thumbs:

*tucks it away for future use*

Someone already mentioned this, but I'll second the recommendation to get one of those heating pads (the kind you use for sore muscles). I got mine from The Bay for $30, and it has three temperature settings. London Drugs sells similar ones, if you have one near you. The medium setting keeps the tank at 76 degrees in winter. And you can fit 5 1g's on it. ;) Edit: forgot to say that despite what the package says, you can keep it on for 24 hours a day. I know several people who do this, none of whom have had any problems.

I'm sure your little guy will perk up soon though. :wub:
CC- so you leave the heating pad turned on even when you're away from home? There isn't a fire risk in that? (or is that just a scare tactic my mom used to use so save on electricity? :p )

~ugh.. i really need to stop posting when i first wake up in the morning! Bad spelling :*)

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