Cambo Type Female? Help She's Acting Weird! See Last Post

Oh she doesnt seem well this evening she's staying at the top of the water and not really breathing properly :S bit worried Ive put some general meds in her tank she just looks phased out, her water is fine heat is normal she looks like something has stressed her :unsure: She ate a pellet last night her dorsal is erect but she's not swimming around she's just hovering in one place, little pecs going like the clappers but just hovering there she doesnt respond when I go up to her tank but by all other accounts she looks fine and her torn caudal is clean no fin rot

is she gasping??

some of my girls are a little lazy and espesially when eggy will lay around on the floating plants huddled with each other not moving, my mom thought they were dead once and got the net to get them out but they darted away. :lol:

looking at her from the back does she look symmetrical? any lumps?

do her eyes look clear? any discoloration? (on eyes, fins, scales,mouth,ect.)??
Nothing like that she looks healthy, I put her next to the boys today and she perked up, maybe she's just very nervous. she swam about a bit more and ate a pellet yesterday it could be new home syndrome! but she wasnt hiding just floating around not gasping.. think she's just a bit apprehensive being in a new environment, still normally in new homes they hide! She definately looks better, when i posted she looked like she was going to pass out or drift off it was weird. she doesnt have stress stripes.
Snap lol


Glad she's perked up a bit more. May just be stressed from moving homes......keep us updated on her progress and her name if you ever sort one out lol
Haha! there is one on ebay just like her from those sellers you got your dragons from, starting bid is like 13.00 ! I guess she was a bargain! I was going to send you some pics! two of my boys have completely changed colour wise! its crazy! xxx
Well she was free....from our dragon spawn. She's going to go with the yellow dragon we got off ebay!!!

Send the pics through so I can see. Sometimes they can completely change. I had that male that had lots of red and 2 months later no red at all!!!!

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