New Member
update: day 2 after treatment
day 1, one more guppy died - unexpected as it looked happy and healthy - but still some left
day 2. not much more has changed - fish have all perked up a bit, one guppy however had a single worm hanging nearly 1/2 inch out of it's rear end, and was sulking in the corner away from the gourami,
i know the gourami is a little ill tempered when it comes to the guppies - i was warned by my brother he's not a particularly nice fish, but i managed to gently cup the guppy in my hand and use my little finger to pinch the worm - opening my fingers to let the guppy swim away - i caught the worm!
after that - i figure those fish are cured - or if not, they'd be at the same level of "infestation" as the other tank
in an effort to save the guppy from further stress - i transferred the fish from the quarantine tank back into the main tank - happy that there has been no worms showing (Except the one)
that guppy has instantly perked up since being in the bigger tank and is happily swimming around with the others
i'm going to wait a week then treat the large tank but so far things are looking good - the medicine seems to have worked - that one guppy with the "last" worm was the most infested of all the fish - i didn't think she'd pull through at all
the worm appeared to still be moving, but it was very slow, sluggish, you couldn't tell it was moving by watching it - i only knew it was moving cause i left it on the lid of the tank while i did something else, when i had come back it was curled into a little ball
not sure what this means - whether it was still dieng considering it was so far out of the guppy, but it didn't look too healthy which is a good sign
definitely a fully grown adult nearly 1.5cm long
now the worst of the worms are dealt with - i have whatever worms i can't see inside the guppies and eggs to deal with
again, i'll keep you all updated and i thank you for your assistance
i'm feeling optimistic about all this now seeing some survivors of the quarantine tank seemingly happy and healthy
doing a stock count i see
17 guppies total
9 tetras
3 plecos (2 bristlenose)
7 snails
1 gourami
hopefully no more casualties!
day 1, one more guppy died - unexpected as it looked happy and healthy - but still some left
day 2. not much more has changed - fish have all perked up a bit, one guppy however had a single worm hanging nearly 1/2 inch out of it's rear end, and was sulking in the corner away from the gourami,
i know the gourami is a little ill tempered when it comes to the guppies - i was warned by my brother he's not a particularly nice fish, but i managed to gently cup the guppy in my hand and use my little finger to pinch the worm - opening my fingers to let the guppy swim away - i caught the worm!
after that - i figure those fish are cured - or if not, they'd be at the same level of "infestation" as the other tank
in an effort to save the guppy from further stress - i transferred the fish from the quarantine tank back into the main tank - happy that there has been no worms showing (Except the one)
that guppy has instantly perked up since being in the bigger tank and is happily swimming around with the others
i'm going to wait a week then treat the large tank but so far things are looking good - the medicine seems to have worked - that one guppy with the "last" worm was the most infested of all the fish - i didn't think she'd pull through at all
the worm appeared to still be moving, but it was very slow, sluggish, you couldn't tell it was moving by watching it - i only knew it was moving cause i left it on the lid of the tank while i did something else, when i had come back it was curled into a little ball
not sure what this means - whether it was still dieng considering it was so far out of the guppy, but it didn't look too healthy which is a good sign
now the worst of the worms are dealt with - i have whatever worms i can't see inside the guppies and eggs to deal with
again, i'll keep you all updated and i thank you for your assistance
i'm feeling optimistic about all this now seeing some survivors of the quarantine tank seemingly happy and healthy
doing a stock count i see
17 guppies total
9 tetras
3 plecos (2 bristlenose)
7 snails
1 gourami
hopefully no more casualties!
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