Calophysus Macropterus ' Vulture Catifsh'


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi' All,

Picked up this little catfish from Pier today , really active and eating as soon as it hit the water.
For those who do not know about these here's a link to planet catfish :
There reputation of being really agressive is rubbish and many who have kept them will agreee, it's in my 4x2x2 atm but as these will grow really quickly will be going into the 280g in a few months and eventually into a bigger tank when it gets near fully grown


It's now beefed out a bit and is bigger than the loach in the back ground already :) grown around 2 inchs in just over a month! Never known anything grow so fast! Considering they have a bad reputation it hasnt bothered with my small lyonsi cichlids i have
hes a beaut Ben. Missed this thread first time around. I really like the big cats looking forward to watching the growth of this cat. Some new pics please!!! ha
will try and grab some when i've finished refilling the tank :) bloody water changes , least i just here and wait when using the hma filter :)
This fish unfortuantely died at about 10inches quite a wile back (October / November) presumably something caused after it ate one of my Lyonsi cichlids at the time.

I got another but this time moved it into the bigger tank sooner. Like the last one it grew very quickly but this time went into the larger tank sooner. It's around the 15inch inch mark i reckon maybe a bit bigger, eats loads and is still pretty active.



Oh and before someone mentions about the dirty tank in the 2nd picture... i cannot reach the bottom of the tank at the back so cannot clean it!

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