Calming Aggressive Tetra...?


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Staffordshire, UK.
Hi all, my first post on here and I'm seeking some advice.

I currently have an established tank that has the following:

1 Male Betta
2 Dwarf Bristlenose Plecs
1 Dwarf frog
8 White spot Tetra (Dawn Tetra?)
3 Black Neons
4 Cardinal Tetra
1 Green Neon tetra
1 Thai Kuhli Loach

Around a month back I added 6 Green neon, 5 of which rapidly died leaving me just the 1. They only lasted around a day in the tank, and were bullied to death by the very dominent shoal of white spot tetra in the tank.

As a result of the single green neon being left all alone, he has spent the last month in hiding, only poking his head out from the plant he calls home every few days or so. He didn't feed at all during this time and has stayed very very small - i guess he's survived only on scraps he's found at the bottom of the tank.

As he seems to be such a fighter I've made it a bit of a mission to get him a shoal and keep him going, so yesterday i bought 4 Cardinal Tetra for him to shoal with (the fish store I use had no more green neons in).

To try and break the dominance in the tank of the white spot tetra I bought a breeding/fry trap and placed 5 of the white tetra in this. I also moved around the decor in the tank,re-located plants and removed a large rock.

With the 5 tetra in the breeding trap, and only 3 left out in the tank itself the cardinal tetra and the green neon have formed a very healthy looking active shoal immediatley. The black neons have also tagged along and they are all feeding well. The 3 white spot also seem to be quite happy, behaving well and there seems to be no bullying of the new fish.

Basically do you think I have gone around this the right way?
How long would you advise keeping the white spot tetra seperated?
Do you think I should gradually introduce the 5 segregated fish, or should I be ok releasing them all at once?

Sorry for the length of the post, and i look forward too all advice given.

Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

I'm not certain why the dawn tetras would have been so aggressive. You definitely need to get them out of the breeding net though as they need lots of swimming space. Since the other fish have gotten used to being out and the 3 dawns that are currently in the tank don't seem to be an issue, I would put the 5 back in and see what happens.

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