That's cool about the minnows. I must confess something. I got from some Endlers livebearers. Well, I didn't have a tank set up for them yet (but I wanted them so bad!), so I had this new empty 5.5gal just sitting there. So I filled it with room temperature water, put in dechlorinator, and dumped them in. I was going to set up some new planted tanks in the next couple of days to put them in, so I knew they would be OK for now.
Well, you know how time flies! Days went by, I just kept feeding them and thinking, "I've got to change that water soon, or get them in a planted tank". They seemed to be thriving and already dropped some fry. So I had some hornwort, Ergia densa, and duckweed from some pruning of my other tanks and just threw it in! I set a 15 watt flourescent light over the top of it. Two days later the water was crystal clear and everyone seemed happy. That was 4 weeks ago
I have not changed the water. Just added some from evaporation. The floating Ergia has sent roots down to the bottom now, and the Endlers have dropped more fry! This is a bare bottom tank with fish poop gathering on the bottom, so I threw in some common snails. I also had a little piece of Java Moss, and that is now growing on the bottom. I'm going to keep this little tank going just as it is for now. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Here's a picture of an Endlers male in this tank. The tank behind it has Gold Inca Applesnails- same situation but in a 10 gallon
. This is against all the rules isn't it?