I bought a golden inca snail about a month ago and as an added bonus I found a tiny snail (about the size of a pinhead) had hitched a ride on it. I put the baby snail in my fry tank that has one baby platy in it. The snail is about the size of a pencil eraser head now and its shell has the same shape as an apple snail so I assumed that was what it was. This morning I found a jelly like small mass of eggs in the water. Now I know it wasn't the baby platy so it was the snail. But apple snails lay their eggs above the water line don't they? This snail has the same shell shape and everything like my golden inca, which is actually a color variation of the apple snail so I can't figure it out. The golden inca has never laid eggs. If this is an asexual egg laying maching I am going to take it back to the lfs. Any ideas or suggestions??