Fish Fanatic
Personally I would avoid the rays! Whilst its a perfect tank for rays, you are basing the tank around the Aro and not the Ray, it would need to be the other way round, rays can be really finnicky.
I've also known things like your larger cichlids (vieja, texas, jaguars and oscars etc) to pick at the rays causing injury, if the rays have spots that look like food or their fins, tail and even sting! I've also know fully grown smaller species and sub adult/medium sized rays like motoros eat fish like adult Green Terrors and Discus (therefore severums, uarus, chocolate cichlids etc could be at risk from the rays when older). I know i had my male motoro (with 30cm m, nose to bum without tail) in with a vieja synspillum who kept attacking him and biting him even though the vieja was only about 6-8cm long! Then he was in with angels and discus, he ate all the angels he could before i could get them out (they had been in their 6 months!) and the discus just kept 'picking' at the spots on his body and his clasp until he got and infection.
I've actually been looking into it the past few days and rays are officially off the list! You're right when you say that if they're there, the tank needs to center around them...and my friend's true love happens to be the aro. Thanks a lot for your advice