Calling All Betta Owners


Was going to post a pic of my Betta fish Oscar, but HOW can i compete with that! Stunning :drool:
Haha! What a compliment! Post your boy up immediately!! Or else! :fun:
Getting hard to choose from now, keep them coming I'm sure theres more of you out there :D
Wow! Some beautiful shots guys.

Are you guys using professional equimpment? If not what camera's and settings are you guys using to produce such nice clean pictures? Also are you using tripods to avoid motion blur? I have tried taking multiple picures with my Sony DSC W55 Cybershot 7.2 mega pixels on different settings, macro (2cm) off/on, no flash/auto flash, auto focus, iso 1000 high sensitivity etc etc, but they all look very grainy, even at 1920x1024!

I'm thinking maybe my camera is junk!


You need to set your shutter speed as fast as your camera will allow, and set your ISO as high as you can without it getting grainy (try starting at 400 and go up or down from there) you will also need to set your aperture to let enough light in (since you have a fast shutter speed there isn't much time for light to enter the camera so you'll have to tweak the aperture so enough gets in). This is a setting that you'll just have to play with to see what works. I have to use a different aperture setting for taking pictures in different parts of my tank :good:
Ill be gettin a betta soon, ill post a pic of him within the next week.
This is the best picture I've got f my PK boy :)
Not the most colourful but the first wild coloured I've seen posted in this thread ;)

Hades, my Wild Coloured PK boy :)

Then there's my recently lost boy, Nox :(


Then I'll post these for you :)
They're not males but they are colourful.
Hope, my Red/Purple Combtail female that I lost a while ago.


Aurora, my HM Dragon Scale Copper Female :)


Esmeralda, my Green/Purple HM girl.

Hope you like them :)
Sorry guys been quite busy lately haven't had much time on my hands, these entries are beautiful I never thought this project would get so much interest. Due to how close all the competition is I might do a poll with all the entrants sort of Tank of the Month style to help em decide and keep everyone involved, sounds good? :D
Best I can do :blink: I do prefer my Pure White Betta mind but you asked for colour..

OK so going to introduce a closing date so we can get a poll going. Closing date will be 9/7/2012 midday GMT.
Good luck everyone :D
You need to set your shutter speed as fast as your camera will allow, and set your ISO as high as you can without it getting grainy (try starting at 400 and go up or down from there) you will also need to set your aperture to let enough light in (since you have a fast shutter speed there isn't much time for light to enter the camera so you'll have to tweak the aperture so enough gets in). This is a setting that you'll just have to play with to see what works. I have to use a different aperture setting for taking pictures in different parts of my tank :good:

Hi, Alm0stAwesome. I don't think i can adjust the shutter speed on the Sony Cybershot DSC W55, it looks to be automatic, as i can't find any manual settings. I'll have to persevere with it.

Thanks for the tips.

And good luck to everyone, there's some great pics. I like the colors on Paradise's betta, Nox :good:


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