Calling All Betta Breeders

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
I was just curious what some of you breeders here have experienced so far with what kinds of male to female ratios you seem to get from your betta spawns. Have you found you tend to get more females, more males, a pretty balanced ratio of each? Have you found temperature at time of spawning to have had any effects? Have you read anything anywhere on various parameters possibly affecting the outcome of a spawn? I haven't come across much yet, though I may have just missed something. I'd be really interested to know some of your experiences with this in your breeding.

Just my curious little mind working overtime when it really should be thinking of other things.................. :rolleyes:
erm dunno about the temp and that but i always get way more females with very few males
i think someone once told me it was due to PH if you ahve high PH u get more males low PH and you get more females dunno how true this is
Interesting clover, thanks. I'll have to look into that more.

Anyone else with some ideas or experiences?
I've heard about the pH thing as well, but not sure how true it is... my pH is 6.8 and my male to female ratio seems pretty even.

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