Calcium Reactor


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Canada, Quebec City
I'm quite over dosing lol... I hate it and can never get my CA and KH right... a guy at the petshop after i told him about my dislike of dosing talked 2 me about a calcium reactor... I was just wondering what users on this board think about them? and if u use them any problems?
im looking this model
Price is in Canadian
Matt has probably had more first-hand experience than I with calcium reactors. What I do know is that calcium reactors are great for higher coral loads. They can also be dangerous to tank chemistry so you really have to know what you're doing when using one. Once properly tweaked though they are fantastic sources of calcium addition.
From what I know I can tell you the only letdown on the coralife Ca reactor is the delivery system. One this modle it relys on gravity to feed the reactor and this intake can get blocked and then you end-up with mush in the chamber. If you were to get this model I would look into getting a dosing pump to supply it.

Just to ask what typs of corals do you have that demand so much calcium? clams are another Ca Alk succer!

Setting up the reactor as Ski said is a set it and forget it for close to 6 months. You do need to put in alot of work in the start to get it right. And if you dont like testing water I wouldn't bother, you'll have to test the effluant water evry 2 hours to set it up right. But saying that when you get a feel for it you can do it by eye. Count the bubbles going in and count the drips comming out.

If you need any more held let me know.
This purchase is being looked at mainly because of my inability to dose correctly. I want to keep hard corals now that my tank is about 1 year old; lighting is all setup 11watts per gallon.
Last night my stats
Ph 8.0
dkh 5.6
calcium 360

Last night I had a talk with ski he gave me a few pointers, I will give this one last try. My goal shall be a dkh of 8 or more and calcium 400, at this point I’d be happy with that.
Last night I dosed alk only wanting 2 bring my dkh up around 9ish before I start to dose calcium and dkh in the same night.
After my alk dose last night I’m at
dkh 6.72

I shall dose alk again tomorrow night every 48hours…
depending on what you are using to up the Alk you may find a increase in pH for this reason I would not dose too much, Can say how much b/c I don't know the tank.

Best way to do it is test the tank.
wait 24h
Test again

Using the readings and your tank volume work out how much your tank used per 24h then,

Test the tank and one dose of buffer
wait 24h
test agin this will give you a reading of how much you dose if you take away the tank usage.

armed with this you can set a dose plan dfor the tank.

I wouldn't dose more that x1.5 the tank needs every 24h.

Try to dose at dusk when the pH is dropping. (dusk of the tank not actual dusk)

Because you havn't got any/meny hard corals or clams with a Ca reactor you'll just over dose the tank. Better to get the corals in there then workout howmuch the corals are using using the additives then move over to the reactor with that knowlage
Thanks guys... well.. after two doses in 4 days.. im at 7.84...
7.84 started at 5.6.. is this 2 fast?
PH is still at 8.0
Depending on what additive is used the pH may swing high for a cople of hours. How do you dose? I finr the best thing is to get a empty coke bottle and drill a hole in the bottom then attatch airline tubing to in and drip the additave over and hour or more depending on the ammount.
Doesn't sound too fast, seems like you're on the right track.
I use kent marine buffer... i mix some with RO water 4 teaspoons in plasic cups.. i dump it in... thats what the instructions say....
I now believe I'm ready to start dosing calcium
My dkk is 9
Ph is 8.0
calcium (I just noticed im all out of tests)
well my dosing will start another day this week then...
just to make sure.. i should dose one recommended dose of calcium, then wait 30 minutes and dose a recommended dose of alkalinity...


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