Calcium Issue

Hi, right. I ave checked my refractormetre & its correct.


before water change:
KH 10
MG 1230
Ca 380

In bucket
KH 9
MG 1500 (took the lot)
Ca 440

I am in the of the water change but it looks like a need to do a hugh water change...
The tank stats actually don't look bad. The calcium does seem a little low, I have a nifty chart in my new book. There is a nice perfect line with 20% error either side. For a KH of 10 you should really have at least 480 calcium for the 3 to be in proportion. Mag seems fine.

I would add just a calcium additive, the new book suggests calcium chloride.

BEFORE doing this, get your calcium double checked if you can incase it is a dodgy test kit.
I did get it checked couple of weeks ago & they sold me that purple up rubbish.... But will go with your advice :good:

But I will do the water change tonight & test again in morning.

Just a climatising hairy mushroom & sun coral.
Agree with TI. Natural Sea Water (NSW) has a concentration of 380ppm of calcium, so you're not too far off. Like she says though since the others are a tad high (and that's not a problem), you can just add a calcium suppliment to bring that up. Mag is more than fine and alk is nice at 10dKH.

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