I only have one plant with this problem, I am not instaling or adding CO2 for one stem. I would like to investigate what are the possible causes of cambomba to loose fronds.
Coolie, Surface movement allows Oxygen into the tank which dispels CO2...
The other was that a particular plant won't need CO[sub]2[/sub] - If it's a plant that photosynthesises it's gonna need a source of carbon and like the NPK if it isn't already in the water you'll have to add it - otherwise bits are gonna start falling off/clear leaves/holes/algae etc
My cabomba thrived quite happily without anything but light...
My cabomba thrived quite happily without anything but light...
This was kind of the point I was trying to make (and failed) We know that your statement can't be true because of biology and science and stuff. But we can with certainty deduce that in your tank there is adequate CO2, NPK etc for you Cabomba to thrive quite happily given your lighting. I know it looks like I'm being anal, but I'm really not, it's pretty important.