Ca And Magnesium Are Low

Hi by the instruction on the can of Seachem Magnesium its says
5g per 80L raises up to 5ppm, so I calculate that my 28gal apx 100L its will be 7g to raise up to 5ppm.
I understand what the instructions say :) I was curious that if you took 28grams and measured it by volume, about how much volume would that be (before dissolving it)
I understand what the instructions say :) I was curious that if you took 28grams and measured it by volume, about how much volume would that be (before dissolving it)

:) Sorry did not really get it :-(
Can u please be more specific. Thanks for help.
Just did new tests, I think its started to raise.

Magnesium: 1110 ppm
Ca: 300-320mg/L
ALklinity: 3
pH: 8.2
I mean take 28grams of the suppliment (dry) and put it in a device used to measure volume. Like a measuring spoon or measuring cup. How much volume is it? ;)
I mean take 28grams of the suppliment (dry) and put it in a device used to measure volume. Like a measuring spoon or measuring cup. How much volume is it? ;)

Got it now. Thanks. I will try to find a measure volume at home, I am not sure I have it.
I'm sure you have a teaspoon or tablespoon, unless you eat soup with your hands? :)
I'm sure you have a teaspoon or tablespoon, unless you eat soup with your hands? :)

Yes, it come up to apx 4 tea spoons.

I just tested Mg ysterday was 1260ppm added 30gr of Mg buffer, tested today 1290ppm.
So it looks like 30gr treats raises about 30ppm in 30 gal.

I just filled up bucket 20gal and disolve salt in there, tested come up around 900ppm of Mg.
So assume that I have to add about 400gr of Mag to raise it to 1300ppm.
I just added 250g all I had and ordered more.

Did u I do everything right?
Also what should I do now, raise it more?

Thank you for your help.
Buy a different salt mix next time ;) Seachem and Coralife salts tend to have higher initial concentrations of magnesium. What salt mix are you using now?

There is another (more affordable) method of adding magnesium. A 3 part magnesium chloride, and 2 part magnesium sulphate solution can also be used. Were you on my side of the boarder, I'd reccomend going to to find this stuff in bulk, but I'm not sure if they can ship to CA, or if it's affordable. You can find Mag Chloride known as Mag Flake as a de-icer similar to rock salt. And Mag Sulphate is also sold in drugstores/grocery stores as Epsom Salts.
Thanks a lot for your help.

what is the best level I have to raise Mg to? 1300?

Also found this table to compare diff elements in salt mixes


Reef Christals does not look that bad, but I think Coral Life is a little better, Seachem has a LOWER Mg.
Not sure if I can trust it.

Also when I add just an RO water to the tank, do I have to add Mg to it too? or Mg as salt alsways stays in the tank.

Thank you.
Mg salts always stay in the tank. They will slowly be taken up in the calcification process used by hard corals, clams, snails, coraline algae, etc. Mg is not used anywhere near as fast as calcium and alkalinity since it probably only makes up ~5% of the salts in these skeletons.

I'd suggest reviewing this In depth reef salt analysys article performed with a slightly better tesing protocol. Here you'll see Seachem and Coralife are the clear winners as far as Mg is concerned :)
Very nice and interesting document.

I just did new tests here is what I have
pH - 8.2
Alklinity - 3
Phospate - 0.1
Magnesium - 1340ppm
Ca - 330mg/L

this is strange because before last time I added 28g and it raises by 30ppm in my tank,
last time I added same amount and it raises by 80.

I dont understand why, where is the mistake here in my tests?

Thank you.
Certainly could be user error in the testing process, this is why experience is important, and why I always tell people they'll get a "feel" for dosing their tank :good:. Either way, that's looking much better. Now if you can get your calcium up there just a little bit more, you'll have some great chemistry :D
450 is a little on the high side. shoot for 420 and if you overshoot, no big deal. Try not to let it get much under 380

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