C054 - First Reported Spawning


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
"In a van, down by the river."
Greetings. I have had this group (reverse trio) of Corys for going on six years, with nary a sign of an egg. Recently hatched about 18 of these guys and they are doing great, without a single loss so far, knock-on-wood (Frank gently raps his cranium). I'm heading out to the catfish convention, tomorrow and upon my return, hope to get pics of 10 day-old fry. Fingers crossed.

Of course my Brochis and S. kronei, spawned, last night. They'll prolly hatch on Saturday or Sunday. - Frank


Well done mate. Ohh Nice looking corys, Fingers crossed for you. :drool:
TYVM. - Frank

What's the 'common' name of these Corys?
A name has not yet been assigned to this specie by the scientific community, hence the "C" number, which is used to ID the fish until such time that a name is attached. - Frank
Grats on the spawn coryologist and on the fine and healthy looking parents.

Can you attribute the sudden spawn to anything in particular?
Grats on the spawn coryologist and on the fine and healthy looking parents.
Can you attribute the sudden spawn to anything in particular?
Not really. For all I know they may have spawned dozens of times without my knowing it. lol. Just happened to catch the eggs, this time. Fry still doing fine. - Frank
I agree with the others, great work and exquisite looking fish, I especially like the irridescences around the gills. Good luck with it all (not that you need it).

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