C02 - When the bubbles run out...


Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
East Sussex
How do you put a new bottle in? do u just unscrew the lid and stick a new bottle underneath then wait for it to get up t speed?
assuming you're using a coke bottle or something like that, yes, that's all you do. But you're likely to get a quick drop in pH since initial bubble rate is high once you mix yeast and sugar. :nod:
I use a T and some shut off valves in my line into the tank, set one up and get it running, then about 10 days later get a second bottle up and going and hook it in with the T, and cut both of the shutoffs to about half so that the new one doesn't just make the co2 go nuts and over saturate the water. Then 10 days later I start a new batch in the bottle the first one was in, keeps a pretty much steady flow of co2 going in. Search around on the net, I got my idea from someone who had posted up the setup. I use a diffusion bell to get the co2 in there, so any extra gas that build up in the bell just comes out the bottom and up into the air.

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