C. Sp. Cw009's - Finally


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
"In a van, down by the river."
Greetings All,

Just landed 14 beautiful C. sp. CW009 "Green Lasers." Young adults with 2 females already plump with eggs. Will be putting 2 spawning groups together, today and then will be keeping my fingers crossed.

This week also brought the arrival of 24 mature adult C. duplicareus and 12 stunning youg adult C. adolfoi, (yes, the real McCoy), 8 beautiful C121's and 18 really nice A. pauciradiatus. It feels like Christmas, all over again. :D - Frank
They sound amazing. Congrats. Good luck with breeding them, sure you'll succeed.

Look forward to pics, they must be gorgeous.

They sound amazing. Congrats. Good luck with breeding them, sure you'll succeed.
Only time will tell, but I sure appreciate your confidence in my abilities.
Look forward to pics, they must be gorgeous.
Well, the only ones I do not already have pics of are the C. adolfoi, which I hope to shoot, tomorrow. It's over 70º degrees, here, today - so I'm spending most of the day outside scrubbing out tanks. I'm even giving up the NY Rangers game, this afternoon. That, my friends, is the ultimate in Cory commitment. :hyper: - Frank
They sound amazing. Congrats. Good luck with breeding them, sure you'll succeed.
Only time will tell, but I sure appreciate your confidence in my abilities.
Look forward to pics, they must be gorgeous.
Well, the only ones I do not already have pics of are the C. adolfoi, which I hope to shoot, tomorrow. It's over 70º degrees, here, today - so I'm spending most of the day outside scrubbing out tanks. I'm even giving up the NY Rangers game, this afternoon. That, my friends, is the ultimate in Cory commitment. :hyper: - Frank

Very nice. Pictures please :D

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