C. Napoensis


New Member
Jul 4, 2008
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Several weeks ago I moved my 8 napoensis corys to a 40g breeder. I added soft deionizes water over several weeks and today it paid-off. The seclusive group came alive with the spawning activity. After several hours I collected about 80-100 extremely small eggs in clusters of 20-30. Many more are in the plants that I am unable to find. I put the eggs in a breeder net in the same aquarium as their parents. I do this with good success with my other corys that spawn.

Has anybody had any success with the species and could give me some advice as this is my first? I have had success with many other species but not these.
Wow fab news and plenty of eggs :good:

My leopards are spawning yet again too but only leave a few eggs at a time :rolleyes:

Good luck with the eggs :)
Good luck,

There great looking corys i've never seen them before.

Hopfully CoryologistIE:Frank will see this and give you some help.

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