Bye Tweety


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Dunkirk, MD
When I came in to work today, I was greeted by the sight of my poor Tweety-Betta, lying dead at the bottom of his bowl, and a bunch of soap bubbles on the top. Some A$$H*l& had put some kind of cleaner into Tweety's water and killed him. I feel so sad. Tweety was one of those fish who would play with anyone who sat at my desk. He flared at pens , played hid and seek, and was just a great fish. I already miss him. :-( . Trust me if I ever catch who put the chemical in his bowl they will live to regret their decision! I work on a union job site, I will do my best to have his "union card" pulled, and if they pull his card he will loose his job.

Sorry Tweety....I'll miss you! :rip:
Why the hell would someone add soap to his tank?!? Sorry you lost him :( .
omg! i am so sorry!
on another, more evil note, pets are personal property, therefore someone has damaged or caused harm to said property and you might be able to bring, at the very least a civil suit, if not a criminal one, for destruction of property, also you might want to try caling the aspca,
oh where do you live? these are usa laws.
:rip: tweety
So sorry to hear about Tweety :-( :-( What on earth possesses some people to be sooooo stupidly cruel :angry: :angry: :angry: I'd give them a taste of their own medicine!!!!!
:unsure: I am not sure what I did to make somebody that mad at me. It scares me more if it is just a random act. We have a pick at work where we can change shops, and I am leaving this shop. I have made some good friends, but I can't work around someone who would kill anything because they were angry or just bored.
what a jerk! some people just really make me sick!
so sorry for your loss

is there any security cameras in your office? maybe you can find out who it was that way?
oh to further my first message, if sombody used company cleaner products that would be called missuse of company property and possible theft, no idea who did it though huh????
I am so sorry for the loss of your fishy, some people realy suck.
I have no idea who did it. I work in a repair shop, unfortunatly no cameras in the shop, and of course nobody saw anything. I left last night at 10:30 pm and everything was fine. One of my co-workers said he saw the bubbles in the tank when he left at 3:00 am. I let all the supervisors know and I talked to the union shop steward, who told me if I can find out who did it he will personally see his card gets pulled.

Now on the bright side..... about 8:00pm another co-worker came over to me and told me he was sorry about Tweety, and even thought he could not bring him back he introduced me to Charlie. Charlie is a red double vail tail. My faith in humanity is not totaly restored but it is a great start. This time I am taking him home. I have to make a divider for my tank at home. I have a smoke tinted piece of lexan (plastic) that I am going to cut down and drill some holes in. I doubt Fred is going to be very happy to have a tank mate, but I am kind of scared to leave him here and give some a$$ another chance to kill this one. The tint on the lexan is kind of dark, hopefully this will cut down on some of the stress on Fred. Hubby has already told me no more fish tanks. I will wait until I get to my new shop to set Charlie in his own tank.

Thanks for everyones kind words. It really has been a bad day.
aww...well best of luck with Charlie. Some people are just cousing put a limp of chicken skin and two BBQ ribs in one of my fighter tanks once, not as detrimental as soap...but i was still angry...
aww...well best of luck with Charlie. Some people are just cousing put a limp of chicken skin and two BBQ ribs in one of my fighter tanks once, not as detrimental as soap...but i was still angry...

chicken skin and ribs? was he drunk or just being a jerk?
aww...well best of luck with Charlie. Some people are just cousing put a limp of chicken skin and two BBQ ribs in one of my fighter tanks once, not as detrimental as soap...but i was still angry...

chicken skin and ribs? was he drunk or just being a jerk?
lol. i was going to say drunken stupidity???..... ####?

soo sorry metromyers. that's reallllllly horrible. I would be ready to knock someone out. It's disgusting how stupd/inconsiderate most of the population can be. Condolences :(
What a terrible way to lose a beloved pet :( What goes around comes around, they'll get theirs!
Thanks everyone. I still really miss him. The only bright side is Charlie is quite the character. He and Fred have both settled down for the most part. There is still the ocasional flare session, but all in all they are quite fine. When I got Fred he was really small, now next to Charlie, he looks huge. The funny thing is Fred had made a big, thick bubble nest in the corner of his side of the tank, and little Charlie is trying to make one on his side. I was worried about them being stressed, maybe they really are happiest when they have someone to argue with.
OMG, what an awful thing to do :( So sorry to hear about Tweety,poor little thing. I hope you can find out who is responsible, they really do need to pay for this. But how lovely of one of your colleagues to being you a new fish, that is just soooo sweet and thoughtful. I am glad you have a new fishy to help take your mind off Tweety a little.

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