Fish Crazy
When I came in to work today, I was greeted by the sight of my poor Tweety-Betta, lying dead at the bottom of his bowl, and a bunch of soap bubbles on the top. Some A$$H*l& had put some kind of cleaner into Tweety's water and killed him. I feel so sad. Tweety was one of those fish who would play with anyone who sat at my desk. He flared at pens , played hid and seek, and was just a great fish. I already miss him. . Trust me if I ever catch who put the chemical in his bowl they will live to regret their decision! I work on a union job site, I will do my best to have his "union card" pulled, and if they pull his card he will loose his job.
Sorry Tweety....I'll miss you!
Sorry Tweety....I'll miss you!