Buying The Right Cichlid


Fish Crazy
Oct 18, 2006
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Hello !

I've never kept Cichlids and I would like buy one or a pair for my new community tank. I've heard a lot of things about Cichlids (some are aggressive, they protect their babies) and I'm somewhat confused and I don't know which Cichlids to buy. :unsure:

My setup is new and I'm currently doing a fishless cycling. It's a 55 gallons tank with plastic plants, rocks and driftwood. The substrate is a fine white/brown sand and my PH is around 7.4.

So far my plan is to buy 12-15 harlequin rasboras and 6-8 cory catfish.

Can I add one Cichlid or a pair in my tank? Convict? Keyhole? any? :D
i would do keyholes or rams. convicts get mean when they breed and they breed like rats. my pair were so protective that when i stuck my hand in the tank the male would bite me.
If I remember correctly Ram only grow to 3" ?
I would prefer a "medium sized" fish something like 5" to 8".
Keyholes would be good, peaceful, slightly larger than rams too :good:
If I remember correctly Ram only grow to 3" ?
I would prefer a "medium sized" fish something like 5" to 8".

Anything 8 inches would probaly eat your Rasboras.

Bolivian Rams get a little bigger then Blue Rams, at about 4 inches.

You could also try Angelfish, or Discus (if you are up for a challenge.)
Marcan m8 i had this trouble for the last few weeks, which to get, how aggressive they are, american or african. Got a lot of help on this forum though. I have'nt actually got mine yet but have settled on 2 pair of keyholes(might need to get 6 or 8 till they pair) and 3 or 5 cockatoo dwarfs. They will be going in with my current stocking, so hopefully they will all get along.
Thanks for your help guys.

I just realized that I did a mistake by saying I have never kept Cichlids. I currently have 4 Angelfish in my tanks. I didn't realize they were cichlid. I thought they were just angelfish ;)

Angelfish are great fish but I would like something different for my new tank.

Everyone seems to agree that Keyholes would be a good choice. I'll take a closer look at them next time I visit my LFS.

I still have a few questions. What happen if I buy 2 males Keyhole or 2 females or 1 male and 1 female that do not pair? Would it be a problem?

Is it a definitive "no" for Convicts?
Thanks for your help guys.

I just realized that I did a mistake by saying I have never kept Cichlids. I currently have 4 Angelfish in my tanks. I didn't realize they were cichlid. I thought they were just angelfish ;)

Angelfish are great fish but I would like something different for my new tank.

Everyone seems to agree that Keyholes would be a good choice. I'll take a closer look at them next time I visit my LFS.

I still have a few questions. What happen if I buy 2 males Keyhole or 2 females or 1 male and 1 female that do not pair? Would it be a problem?

Is it a definitive "no" for Convicts?

Honestly, you really don't need a pair. Pair or not, they will be fine either way.

And yes, it is a definitive no for Convicts.
Once again thanks for your replies.

I'll visit my LFS today ! :)
If you really like convicts you could try one of their more milder relatives like myrnae (topaz cichlid) or sajica (t-bar cichlid). They aren't nearly as nasty as convicts. They are also really nice looking. But keyholes are really nice too.
Thanks for your help guys.

I just realized that I did a mistake by saying I have never kept Cichlids. I currently have 4 Angelfish in my tanks. I didn't realize they were cichlid. I thought they were just angelfish ;)

Angelfish are great fish but I would like something different for my new tank.

Everyone seems to agree that Keyholes would be a good choice. I'll take a closer look at them next time I visit my LFS.

I still have a few questions. What happen if I buy 2 males Keyhole or 2 females or 1 male and 1 female that do not pair? Would it be a problem?

Is it a definitive "no" for Convicts?
Keyholes, no matter if you get 4 males will all be fine together. I have 10 in my tank, all various sizes. Not sure which sex on about 5 of them. Not mature enough to tell yet. They will be fine with your Angels too. You cannot always guarantee that they will pair up though. Hopefully you may be lucky.
Waynee, They won't be in the same tank as my angels. My angels are in my living room tank and I don't want to add anything else in that tank heh!

I'm really considering buying 2 or 3 keyholes. 12 harlequin rasboras, 8 corydoras and 3 keyholes wouldn't crowd my tank. Hopefully the keyholes would be bigger than the corydoras. I'm really looking for "centerpieces" fishies! :)

Sheilaf, tbar cichlid looks good. I've read their profile in the fish species section on the forum.

But, I've on another site that they are too aggressive to be in a community tank. I don't know if it's true. Maybe someone can confirm this?
T-Bar Cichlids are like most Cichlids and become aggressive and territorial when breeding. If you were to get a pair, then a large tank is recommended as other fish may be at risk.
Unfortunately, they are unpredictable and whilst some people have had success keeping them in a community tank, others haven't.

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