buying maracyn & similar meds in uk??where?


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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anyone know where we can buy maracyn & other similar meds here in the uk??? our local lfs's all seem to stock mainly interpet meds, now we've had varying success with interpet stuff but what i dont like about them is they dont always have info on the side of the pack as to what your actually dosing your fish with eg: antibiotic,antifungal, severely toxic chemical etc etc. i like to know what im dosing my fish with before i start.
i have found an online shop that sells stuff like protozin,cuprazin etc but cant find maracyn here & i keep hearing about it on the forum as a recommended treatment so would like hto have some handy....just in case.
anyone have any idea??? thanks
not sure if this is the right forum to post this in??? please move if its not. ta
Sorry but you can't buy maracyn in the UK it's a prescription only drug mate so I'm afraid unless your vet can get it for you then you are out of luck.
Milly, I'm in the same situation as you. What do you need it for? I posted not long ago that my Clown Loaches have a suspected Skinny Disease and Maracyn is the best (or only) treatment ..... which I couldn't get in the UK! :grr:

Bulldog's right. No lfs could get Maracyn in the UK, and no chemist will sell you antibiotics (erythromycin - ie. the active ingredient in Maracyn). :sly:

Do you have any friends in the US cause that's the only way you could get the medicine apart from getting a vet's prescription. :/

Good luck!! :flowers:
What would be wrong with someone mailing you the medicine from here in the States could you all do this or would it be illegal???? I would be happy to send you all some if I wouldnt get in trouble.
send me the money to pay for it because it is very high in cost here and I will be glad to send you guys some.

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