Buying From Ebay

The biggest single worry regarding second-hand tanks, as already mentioned, is the scratches which often go un-mentioned in the advertisement. Wherever possible I would try and view the tank or, if that is impractical, ask enough detailed questions to put your mind at ease. Statements such as "few minor scratches, easily removed" are not to be taken seriously; if a scratch can be felt with the nail it will NOT be possible to remove it, whatever you try. Also, when a tank has been in regular use and then left empty for any length of time, the silicone has a tendency to dry out and lose its elasticity. This frequently results in leaks when next filled, as the glass will tend to flex under water pressure and the silicone, which is designed to allow this to happen, is unable to do so. In 33 years of tank manufacturing I have regularly been asked to re-seal used tanks where this has occured.
I have bought 2 tanks on ebay which happened to be local sellers. They were both bargains.
I have bought heaters, filters, fish food, plants and fish!
I bought a Juwel Rekord 70 recently off ebay with stand and got it for £36.

It has a few fine scratches on the glass, but apart from that it's fine.

On the whole, I wouldn't rely on old second hand heaters and filters though. A new heater is pretty cheap and if a heater goes wrong, it's not good news!
hi there

we bought our 1st 4ft tank off ebay over 4 years ago & all seemd fine until one day approx 8mths later we had a tank rupture ( at the seals at the back of the tank) it was a b****y nightmare of a day. luckily i was off work so was there when it happened or we would have lost all our fish, my husb had to come home from work, i was Mrs mop - using everything in the house from tshirts to sheets to stem the tide coming from our 169L tank( we live in a 1st floor flat) husb bought loads of buckets on his way home & had to go & get a new tank pronto!!!

all our fish survived (except poor hillstream loach died a week or so later) but it was hideous so i would never buy a 2nd hand tank again because of our bad experience. BUT i have heard of people who have had similar seal ruptures with new tanks so maybe we were just unlucky & i know a lot of people who have had 2nd hand tanks for years with no probs
but for me personally that day is still fresh in my mind & i have to go for new even if they are much more expensive
I have bought two tanks off ebay!! 1x 80 gallon tank + 1x Juwel Record 96. had to collect them both and the sellers were very friendly!!

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