Buying A Betta Tank For The First Time In The Next Few Days...


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
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It's my sis's 13th b-day this Friday and either tomorrow or on Thursday, I'll be getting her a betta for her desk as a pressie! :D I've done my research and this is how I'm planning to set the tank up. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me!

-12l (3g) tank with thermometer, heater, and some form of cover; no gravel
-small artifical plant
-100% water changes twice a week
temp=26C (75F)
dechlorinzed, of course
-bloodworms or betta pellets once a day
-and of course one plain bluish veil tailed betta

I'm also considering adding an African Dwarf Frog to that, but I'm not 100% sure that that would be okay. Has anyone ever added frogs to their betta tank before?

Thanks for reading! :)
Id say add a real live plant to the water myself as the water quality will be improved and i think its nicer for the fish and to look at tbh.

Im unsure on the frog though ive heard they create alot of waste therefore the water will need changing more frequently.

Correct me if im wrong guys.

Hope this helps a little

You can put a substrate (gravel, sand, whatever) in the tank...the little guy would probably prefer it. Gravel is not used in breeding tanks, but all my other tanks have it. It helps hold the good bacteria that builds up over time. Are you buying an actual tank that has some sort of filtration device, or just a bowl? Either way, you can get a small, submersible "filter" that bubbles with an air pump. That will keep your water more fresh and you won't need to do 100% changes 2x a week. With a tank that small, I'd stick to something like a snail, rather than a frog. The snail will eat the food that goes uneaten, and when it gets rid of it's waste, it's larger and more obvious (easier to clean out- visually speaking) than the bettas. I'm a skeptic about live plants, as they can be difficult to keep in good condition and, in my experience, have made my tanks more of a mess. I stick to silk plants (soft, so the bettas fins don't get stuck and rip on them). I also feed my bettas at least 2x a day, depending on whether or not they're being conditioned or not.
If your going to go for artificial plants make sure they are silk, not plastic. Bettas like to rest "lay" on plants so get one that has a broad leaf to it rather than only ferny or spindly like ones (if you know what i mean)

An african dwarf frog should not be alone. I personally dont think it would be a good idea, they are better off with a substrate and places to hide in like caves, under bogwood, more natural environment etc etc.... If your getting such a small tank its best to have a betta on its own to keep the quality of the water at optimum.

Long time ago i used to house my bettas in a fauna box with a 25w heater it worked a treat and gave the betta enough room to swim around in

Anyway thats my 2p worth HTH
It depends on the size of the tank wether id use gravel or not, If its a small tank id sooner not use gravel or anything as they make the water murky.

I have gravel and sand in my 125 litre

and gravel in my 50 .. im not sure i should have used anything in such a small tank..
It depends on the size of the tank wether id use gravel or not, If its a small tank id sooner not use gravel or anything as they make the water murky.

I have gravel and sand in my 125 litre

and gravel in my 50 .. im not sure i should have used anything in such a small tank..

Your gravel shouldn't be making your water murky unless it wasn't properly rinsed, or allowed to settle.
Try two hours of clensing in boiled kettle water shaking and stiring, rinsing boiling kettle water until it ran clear.

Im not sure what else it could have been tbh
I have had gravel in almost every tank I've owned and never had a problem with murky water. But you could also use marbles, glass stones, or river rocks as a substrate. I'm currently using river rocks in all my tanks and it looks great. I love the natural look of it with the small terracotta pots in there for caves. But for water changes, 100% 2x a week is a little excessive and would just stress the fish out. I would say a 50% twice a week would be more than fine for 1 betta in a 3 gallon tank as that's what I do for all my guys and have no problems with the water parameters. As far as food goes, don't give her freeze dried bloodworms (I'm assuming freeze dried as you said it was for her desk, so I'm assuming it's at her job) as they can cause constipation problems if feed too often, meaning more than one or two once or twice a week. You're much better off giving her Hikari Bio Gold pellets as the regular food. They are the choice of almost everyone here and almost everyone else I know who keeps bettas. You could definitely get a small sponge filter for the tank like constantine said, I think that would be a really good idea as well. A snail shouldn't be necessary as excess food shouldn't be a problem with bettas, and in a 3 gallon tank there's really nothing else you can put with him. Also be sure to get her some freshwater aquarium salt and tell her to add 1/2 teaspoon per gallon, and some Melafix wouldn't hurt either (remind her to only use 10 drops per gallon instead of the dose recommended on the bottle because bettas are sensitive to it). This should keep her little guy in great shape, I hope she likes him! :D
Try two hours of clensing in boiled kettle water shaking and stiring, rinsing boiling kettle water until it ran clear.

Im not sure what else it could have been tbh

That's odd. Was it new gravel? If used, I could see that happening from not being disinfected, and perhaps being contaminated by the previous fish...same goes with the actual tank.

I use a bleach/vinegar/water solution to clean used aquarium equipment. Otherwise I've just rinsed with very hot water, and it's been fine. It usually is merky for the first couple days or so until the aquarium settles and the filter sucks in all the little particles.

Could possibly be your water if using tap (even dechlorinated...) could have something else in it that RO would filter out.
Try two hours of clensing in boiled kettle water shaking and stiring, rinsing boiling kettle water until it ran clear.

Im not sure what else it could have been tbh

If it is real gravel it shouldn't have broken down. If it was something like fluorite it would have broken down, it takes forever to get that rinsed clean, with just water. If it is the regular aquarium gravel that most stores sell it really isn't gravel but made of epoxy, I don't know what the effects of boiling it would be but I do know that baking it can give off some pretty bad fumes.
That sounds like a real good pressie. I use the glass pebbles in my tanks. If you get blue for a blue betta etc. they look super. They are also much easier to clean than gravel. As bettas dont need to suck gravel like goldfish it doesnt really matter what substrate you use just a matter of taste. To be honest I wouldnt put a snail in either. There are cases of the betta resting on the bottom and the snail trapping them as they go past their fins, particularly if a vt. of course the betta will then drown as it needs to get to the surface. I dont use any filters in my tanks, and a half water change should be fine. Oh and we will need piccies of the tank! :good: :good:
Its regular aquarium gravel from a store no colouring though just plan sand coloured.

Can Dalmation mollys be argressive?
Thanks for the great tips guys! :D I'm getting the tank tomorrow and I'll make sure to take some photos. No frogs. I hope my sis likes it. It's for the desk in her room.
Thanks for the great tips guys! :D I'm getting the tank tomorrow and I'll make sure to take some photos. No frogs. I hope my sis likes it. It's for the desk in her room.

Sounds great! I hope she loves him! :hyper:

Its regular aquarium gravel from a store no colouring though just plan sand coloured.

Can Dalmation mollys be argressive?

Aggressive in what sense, towards other Dalmatian Molly's or other fish? If you mean toward their own species, idk for certain, but I know bettas a nd Mollys don't get along to well usually. -_-
Well, I bought the little fellow, set up the tank, and am now waiting to see my sis's face tomorrow morning. He's a beautiful dark blue veil and he is so cute! I fed him and used my finger to lure him towards the food. :wub: I also put him next to a mirror for a minute or two. Very cute. :) He seems to love his new home. :D

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