buyin from aquabid


Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
B.C. Canada
Heres what im getting..

4 juvenile blue plakats, 2 males 2 females..
2 marble navy blue HM CT plakats, male + female
2 wild bettas from thailand (have slim long body and are very aggressive)
a culture of microworms..

and she said shed throw in a bunch of extra stuff....

red worms, grindal worms, golden pearls, and some other food sample...
and she said shed fill the rest of the bag with more fish !!!

in total it came to $70 canadian... $50 american

including shipping..

im gonna get batteries soon so ill have like 20 pics up probably once they arrive :D
Wow! Good deal, did you get to see the fish or was there just a description? That's a really cheap price for all that with shipping, I'll look forward to seeing the fihs :nod:
no i didnt get to see them..

which worried me at first..

but after i talked to her i trust her, so i kno they will be cool.

i almost like better not knowing..

so when i open the box itll be more exciting
im horrible at taking pics...

so dont expect anything good LOL..

she said shes sending them monday so hopefully wednesday or thursday they will arrive..

i got a few days to search for some containers for them
nice, i wanna see pics too. I personally wouldnt buy a fish If i didnt get to see a pic of it, but then again alot of people put diff pics than what you are really buying. Goodluck with them and I hope they turn out to be wonderful :D
a lot of times the fish looks completely different than the pic. i like it when sellers take pictures with and without the flash to show the difference.
its a surprise, which i like..

i open the box having a kinda clue what they gonna look like...

i think its more exciting not knowing what im gonna get...

i cant wait tho... booo 3 days
i hope new batteries will make the digi cam work...

ill have like 30 bettas to take pics of...

so ill be a busy boy lol
I'm interested to hear your thoughts once the fish arrive. I got honey to agree that i can buy a new tank for a betta in a few weeks (i gave my old betta tank to my roommate like a dummie) and i'm seriously considering ordering a real beauty from Aquabid rather than taking whatever i can find at the LFS, usually seems low quality. I've seen pictures of copper short fins that are the most gorgeous i've ever seen. Well ok i like the mustard gas too lol. Hope your fishies arrive happy and healthy, can't wait to see the pics! :kana:
It seems that most of gorgeous bettas on aquabid come from thailand :p

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