Buy Apistos Or Eggs


Sep 5, 2005
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California, U.S.
Hey, i'm thinking about getting some apistos but the lfs doesn't have any :/ . however after some time google-ing i saw someone mention just buying their eggs so if anyone has some apisto eggs they want to sell or somewhere i can buy them please let me know. preferrably tripplered. sounds like a nice fish bonding experience.
Hi there,

As far as I am aware, the only fish you can buy eggs for and succesfully hatch away from the adults are some of the Killifish species.

Afraid to say, but for Apisto's you need the pair of fish to spawn in your tank and look after the eggs/juveniles themselves. Taking the eggs away from the spawning pair, posting them somewhere and then trying to hatch them will just result in duff eggs.


There are at least a dozen different apisto species/varieties available right now. You're looking at about $45-50 for a good pair, including shipping. FWIW, I hear apistodave is a good/reliable breeder.

If that's too steep a price, I would try to find the local aquarium society in your area. There's almost always one or two apisto people and they may have some stock they can sell you.
wait until your lfs gets some, nothing beats getting them from a LFS. Preferably get young-ish jeuvenile ones, you will easily bond quickly with them :)
A lot of pet stores don't get Apistogrammas in very often or even at all. I had to bother my store for months before I could get them to order some Apistogramma agassizi and as soon as they came in they all got bought before I could get some the first time.

Its a lot easier to just buy them online and have them shipped directly to your house. Most sellers guarantee live arrival. You can also easily find more rare species and can go directly to the breeder to find out about feedling habits and ease of keeping.
A lot of pet stores don't get Apistogrammas in very often or even at all. I had to bother my store for months before I could get them to order some Apistogramma agassizi and as soon as they came in they all got bought before I could get some the first time.

Its a lot easier to just buy them online and have them shipped directly to your house. Most sellers guarantee live arrival. You can also easily find more rare species and can go directly to the breeder to find out about feedling habits and ease of keeping.
And frankly you'll get better quality fish direct from breeders than you're likely to get at most LFS.
As a long time commercial apisto breeder (20 years) I would echo what the others are saying. The best source is usually from a private breeder (I don't sell to hobbiests so don't contact me!).

There are shops that try to stock apistos and there are a few wholesalers that supply them on a regular basis. If your LFS sold out of the aggies they brought in why aren't they ordering more?

If you want to order direct from a breeder spenfding a little time on google or aquabid should give you a good sense of what is available.

However, be prepared to pay the price. Shipping has gotten very expensive and can easily cost more than the fish.

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