Butterfly Plec Losing Colour

Guys, thanks for all your replies.
Unfortunately, he has gone to the big fish playground in the sky. Whilst attempting to isolate him, i noticed he wasn't moving at all(which wasn't like him-he was a fast little blighter). He's been hiding for a couple of days now, but came out just before lunch and was sat in the same place til now.
He was in at a temp of 25 degrees, hasn't grown since we bought him 6 months ago.
I have looked at pics of butterfly plecs on google and have to say he didn't look like any of them.
was closer to this one tho

Water stats-sorry forgot to add them earlier
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 10

Tank is 60 litres
Bless Him. R.I.P.
Makes sure he has passed on and gills are not moving.
He didn't look like he would survive.

I would do some water changes on your tank for the next few days.
Sorry to hear he died hun, thats the LFS for you!! selling things they dont even know about :(.

as wilder says do a few water changes over next few days and just monitor the rest of your fish
Will do-thanks for all your help.

Feel awful for asking this, and so soon after his death, but can you recommend a new bottom feeder/plec for this tank. It only holds guppies and mollys as its our smaller 2nd tank.
I would leave it a few weeks to see if the other fish are ok.
What size is the tank.
Are your guppys fine health wise. Don't look thin, or producing long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
I would leave it a few weeks to see if the other fish are ok.
What size is the tank.
Are your guppys fine health wise. Don't look thin, or producing long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.

I'll leave it a couple of weeks anyway, just don't want to take the advise of the pet shops anymore.
Guppies and mollys are all fine. The 3 fry are going strong too. I'll keep monitoring them-had done a 30% change this morning already. Tank is 60 litres, think thats around 15 gallons?
I would leave it a few weeks to see if the other fish are ok.
What size is the tank.
Are your guppys fine health wise. Don't look thin, or producing long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.

As wilder says, advice would be to make sure the rest are fine first, when you are happy and the tank has settled then a bristlenose would be the imediate suggestion with a clown plec a second choice... clown plec would require a wood source in the tank though.

Other than plecs another bottom dweller wood be a nice smallish shoal of cory's (min 4, but 6 would be better)

I agree with jen.
Good Luck.
I would leave it a few weeks to see if the other fish are ok.
What size is the tank.
Are your guppys fine health wise. Don't look thin, or producing long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.

As wilder says, advice would be to make sure the rest are fine first, when you are happy and the tank has settled then a bristlenose would be the imediate suggestion with a clown plec a second choice... clown plec would require a wood source in the tank though.

Other than plecs another bottom dweller wood be a nice smallish shoal of cory's (min 4, but 6 would be better)


I have bogwood in the tank, so that gives me a couple of options, but i wont be hurrying into it. Thank you again for all your replies. I don't know where i'd be without this forum.
I would leave it a few weeks to see if the other fish are ok.
What size is the tank.
Are your guppys fine health wise. Don't look thin, or producing long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.

As wilder says, advice would be to make sure the rest are fine first, when you are happy and the tank has settled then a bristlenose would be the imediate suggestion with a clown plec a second choice... clown plec would require a wood source in the tank though.

Other than plecs another bottom dweller wood be a nice smallish shoal of cory's (min 4, but 6 would be better)


I have bogwood in the tank, so that gives me a couple of options, but i wont be hurrying into it. Thank you again for all your replies. I don't know where i'd be without this forum.

Always happy to help and i know wilder is too, just sadening to hear of your loss :(

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