Butterfly fish

We have 3 butterfly fish but one is seperated from the others as she was being chased a lot by them so be careful, ours are in a 300 litre tank with plenty of plant cover from long vallis but they tend to be a little aggresive towards eachother.

We feed ours a mix of foods, mainly a pinch a day. They love freeze dried bloodworms, dried daphnia, dried tubifex, and vitakraft special mix which has nice crunchy shrimps in for them. They will hand feed from a cube of frozen bloodworms as i feed the others too. They are really nice fish. Ours also tend to go lower down in the tank although i am not sure why. It must show they are settled though if they feel confient enough to do this.

We chop very finely cockle mussel and prawn for some other smaller fish like the elephant nose in there and the butterfly fish have learnt to take some of that food as it goes in too.

Hope this helps a bit

well all of them food i cannot get and dont have. Australia is honestly sucks aye! crapiest place for fish.
I want him to be heathly and happy because hes the best lookin thing i have ever seen, i have fallen inlove with him in 2 days! :D
They can be weaned onto flakes, all the ones I've had all ate flakes while they were floating. I'm guessing that they could learn to take freeze dried foods as well as alot of these seem to float for a while too. As has been said above, anything that lies on the surface and can fit in their mouths they will take, even if it takes a while to get them used to it. Crickets are probably the most popular live food used with african butterflies though and the ones you can buy in lfs also have the added bonus of being pesticide free.
oops, sorry for the bump clare, I didn't realise there was a second page till after I posted :*)

Thanks for the info in regards to mid - lower tank swimming too. Mine sounds like he's in a similar setup to your three. Lots of driftwood, big tank, plenty of plants. Could have something to do with it maybe.

In regards to frozen foods, mine are also handfed an occassional treat of frozen bloodworms or brineshrimp.

In regards to the elephant nose, ya lucky duck lol I've wanted one for a while now but when they are in I don't have the money for one and when they aren't in I do lmao Murphy's law I guess.
i am truly inlove with my butterfly fish. I am planning on getting 2 they are awsome! Thanks for all the info guys, Keep going bout your butterfly fish :D

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