Butterfly Fish

dwarfs said:
ladynaoko said:
the only fish in my tank under 2 inches are my platy fry and my black phantom tetras (I returned the evil EVIL danios). I think I'm going to wait a while before getting a Butterfly fish now - give the tetras time to grow.
Unless the tetras hang out at the top a lot there is no prob. If you want to save the fry then I guess you shouldn't get one :)
only trying to save the fry because they were my first ever batch :p
5 have survived and they happily swim around with the other fish these days.

My tetras swim more or less everywhere but they do seem to prefer it nearer the bottom - still gonna wait a while before getting the Butterfly though, just in case
Whatever is best for you, but I would still try to get one while you can because I bet your not the only one looking at them ;)
the guy at the lfs is one of my best friends - I'll ask if he can reserve one for me ;)
Heck, the guy got me my Scribbled Pleco for next to nothing :D
I just picked up a butterfly today.
So far my cichlids leave it alone.
And so far it has not jumped.
I did remove the lid for a while today to clean the tank too.
My tank is not 100% sealed, but it won't be able to jump through those small openings.
Hey, Missed this thread Somehow.

My ABF is fine with Killis and Bettas.

Even when I had 2 they were Fine.

I have noticed that they are more reflex feeders. If Something brushes past its head they snap for it.

So as long as your fish keep their distance they will be fine.

The 1 Fish i would say no to are,

Lampeyes and Gertrudes ........ Something. They are to small and an ABF will Def. Eat them.

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