busy busy...

Anemones need 2 things in its simple life. Good water (meaning excellant quality/flow and food) and of course light. If the anemone starts to wander around then this tells you that its not happy. Its either looking for better light, better water or both!. In 10 gallons this doesnt give it many options :*)
Having kept anemones i would advise taking them to your local shop and perhaps get some credit in their exhange for something more suitable.

I have 1 small anemone in my tank (i dont count aptiasia as nennys.. they are skum that should be eradicated with EXTRREEME prejudice! :grr: :sly: ) I was told its a juvinle bubble tip but im not so sure... I think it ight be a majano. So for now i am content to keep it as its small and doesnt cause trouble. however if this one ever goes then I will never have an anemone again.

Its nevr wise to have something in your tank that is such a potential danger to everything that lives with it. if it dies during the night it could take the entire tank with tit.. If it wanders around it will sting everything in its path and cause untold damage. the condition they need is near perfect for them and of course there is the envnironemental issue that sees these lovely creatures taken from their habitate inhuge numbers only for 90% of them to die in transit :*)
Considering that the life span of an anemone is 100s, perhaps 1000s of years (scientists cant find any ageing process/cells wthin the creature) then can any of use say we have kept one succesfully even if we kept one for 10 years? 10 years out of a possible 1000 or even more is noteven close IMO.

IMO i would get rid, they could be more trouble than you realise. :*)
Ok :) That seems like a pretty good deal to me.. That last link..
:sad: the anemnone should be one of the last things you add, not the first. The odds of it surviving are near-nil. You should bring it back to a store or find someone near you willing to keep it for a few months until your tank is up and stable and you have a bit of a handle on what you are getting yourself into...

Go slow, or you are likely to get financially frustrated and well, :no:
ostrow said:
:sad: the anemnone should be one of the last things you add, not the first. The odds of it surviving are near-nil. You should bring it back to a store or find someone near you willing to keep it for a few months until your tank is up and stable and you have a bit of a handle on what you are getting yourself into...

Go slow, or you are likely to get financially frustrated and well, :no:
jesus people would you read... ITS IN MY OTHER TANK... sorry but thats liek the third time i'v said it...
i got 3 damsels (1, 4 stripe, 1 velevet (never heard of them but they are black with a neon blue) and one yellow one with blue fins (never heard of this one eaither... but oh well i havnt really looked into damsels a whole lot...) also 2 turbo snails. i got all of this in trade for my two anemones :)) (two because i sold one to my firend) :D

ph- 7.9 (low dont you think?)
ammonia- 0.5
nitrite- 1
nitrate-3 (ish the reading was in-between)

lr coming on wed.
live rock came today, 50lbs, uncured, well precured i guess she tried to sure it a little for me because of delaided shipping. anyways it still smelled REALLY bad, only for a little then it was fine.

i feel like im tlaking to myself, 5 posts in a row... :X
Great to see you have your live rock. If it smells bad (like roten eggs?) then its definately uncured. FOr a new tank like yours this is actualy a good thing IMO. It means that when a shop "cures" it for you, the really rare stuff that you just wish you had on your rick will usually leave the uncured rock and lok for better rock.. thus, when you purchase cured live rock you usually find that alot of its diversity has already left and is now sitting in the dealers tank. :/

You have uncured which means that any creatures that survived the curing process will remain in your tank and be for your enjoyment!

A fast track way of curing live rock is to use Live phyto. I really dont know the reason why (so dont ask :p ;) :D ) But everyone thats used Live phyto on uncured rock finds that it cures the rock within a couple of days. They usually throw the entire bottle in the tank!
Navarre said:
Live phyto
??? what is that???

also i found a small clam (cleaner type i think....) and little green plant things.... also a few bristleworms...

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